Sunday 25 November 2018

Sullen Sabbath

I awoke, eyes straining to open, to note the clock claiming it was twenty past eight. This irritated me as my head was still at fifteen minutes past four.  Sitting on the edge of the bed I pulled back the aged curtains and stared into the world.  Rusty leaves carpeted the ground under the once blossoming trees, the sky above appeared blue in between passing clouds themselves lit by rare occasional glimpses of sunshine, occasional dog walkers followed their pets commands in the distance.
Tesco 'Cheerios' with currants and rolled oats for breakfast.  Adding strong honey for energy I soon found myself flopping into my seat while my mind slowly decayed.  The energy bit had failed and what slack mind I possessed on waking quickly dissipated.  Another day of joy had begun.
I soon fell into arguing with a TV pundit on Twitter and thus losing what feel good factor I had on awakening, if that could be called 'feel good.'  Typical of him, he thought that as he was a full time professional footballer for many years and an experienced coach that he knew more than I do!  Typical of such people!  This radge however interfered with my morning biblical study as I kept seeking answers to him here and not from him above here.  As I was remaining indoors to avoid church this morning as the heretic was speaking and I did not wish to disturb him.  Maybe it would have been better to argue with the heretic?  That would have been interesting.
Having checked all my empty email accounts, not counting the spam sent in French, a wonderful idea for those that do not understand it, and browsed the papers as I sought something to stimulate me by checking the TV schedules.  As always dead TV rules and while the brain dead enjoy such banality I wanted more.  The News channels, when I eventually got round to checking, offered Theresa May impersonating a prime minister and lying in her teeth about the Brexit agreement.  This was making eating my lentil based soup difficult at lunchtime and I could not put up with this for long.  Politics can be interesting and important, Brexit however has changed things for ever.  I am at a loss to understand if Theresa is attempting to stop Brexit as she knows it will fail or just floundering in an attempt to keep her job.  No normal answers appear relevant it is all a mess.  Naturally there is no decent football is available on BTS so I will have to wait for German or French games arriving later.  Good job I am not one to complain...

I managed to pick up some of May's comments tonight and have to say such bare faced lying has not been seen since Lloyd George denied knowing your mother, or grandmother as the case may be. Lies about how much money we save?  Lies about the economic growth, lies about everything, just lies and more lies.  Pandering to the far right, paid for by unknown multi millionaires as well as that nice Mr Putin we find ourselves almost out the door hoping the judges in the Brexit case in court will declare it illegal as foreign money has paid for it.  The chances of enough MPs voting against it are rare, sheep don't think.  I will start stocking up on corned beef in the morning...


  1. I have noticed so much lying from both main parties (somewhat more from the Tories mind you ) and i honestly think these politicians have taken Goebbel's advice to heart, that if you repeat lies often enough the public will believe them. Brexit's failure has cast a huge pall over Britain and anyone who thinks getting out of the EU will be the end of it will instantly realise that Mays rubbish deal or no deal is just the start of decades of us being kicked around by the rivals and enemies who bankrolled Brexit and are delighted to see us with no choice but to accept that we have clownishly "negotiated" to make ourselves much poorer and weaker than 2 years ago. Well done chaps! (Oh, did I say dont get me started? I cant remember....)

  2. Jenny, There is still hope this will yet collapse.

  3. What can we expect when the people negotiating to leave the EU desperately wish to remain within it...lies from start to finish.

  4. Fly, We can expect nothing from any of them. The sooner we can vote them out the better.


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