Monday 15 October 2018

Maudlin Monday

There is nothing better than starting the day realising you have forgotten the niece's birthday.  Not only forgotten but forgotten from two weeks ago!  The same thing happened last year.  Is it any wonder she never talks to me?  So in spite of the mirk outside, making the place inside appear dreich, I was forced to enter Sainsburys in search of a gift card suitable for a woman who has everything and more.  Naturally I was there about 11 am when the whole town discovered it also had run out of bread and so we stood waiting at the checkout while grasping our baskets (men) and trolleys (women) as if our lives depended on them.  Noting the quickest checkout I joined in, the lass i front making space, and we both considered we would soon be out of there.  No!  Instead one of those women who question everything was questioning everything as we waited, the bill, the voucher ticket, the weather, she went on in spite of the checkout lass doing her best to subtly move her on.  By the time she left half the other lines had dwindled away.  Grinning cheerfully the next lass moved in and soon we were paying over the top for the directors fat pensions.  I once tried to get such a job as checkout staff but I am not sure my temperament would be suitable for that work. Working in the museum shop is very different but does have its moments, however I have not yet slaughtered anyone the way I would in a supermarket.

Anyway the card was purchased, a suitable note explaining (lying) concerning the reason for the delay will be included and my favourite niece will soon be ignoring me again. 
However the gift cards must be perused again soon as Christmas chopping is under way, cards being the easy way out of that chore.  However it is beginning to worry me regarding the shop cards that are available.  So many shops are closing down and others being taken over plus the Brexit disaster all combining to mean the cards might be worthless by the time I send them.  Will any company still exist?
I suppose there is always Amazon, that is one organisation that will exist as the man who owns it has more money than most governments these days.  After Brexit this government will have nothing and he might well take over, of course his money is already (allegedly!) running the 'Leave' campaign so he will not mind whatever happens.

I had a new type of spam the other day.  A nice chap claimed he had put  a 'trojan' on my computer a while back and had been watching what I was doing.  If however I did not put $500 into his account he would show everyone on my address book what I had been up to.  He implied this was something 'interesting.'  I was intrigued, however I failed to pass on money, anyone who has hacked me would at least know my name, but I was hoping he had sold my dirty secrets around the land but there appears to have been no response so far.  If you get the dirt on me let me know, I might want to look at it again...


  1. You've obviously led a life of virtue, I have people from all around the world telling me in very similar words that they have put a virus on my computer too!
    Liked the fruit conversation at the bottom. I wonder what the mandarin IS saying?
    I agree with you about Brexit, the whole thing is so insane that I am glad I am too busy to bother with it now!

  2. Jenny, The Mandarin is saying "I'm a satsuma!"

  3. So you told him...but more publish and be damned.Good for you.

    I too think I would commit murder if working in a supermarket....people who take items from the chilled cabinets, change their minds and dump them in the bread aisle...customers who pack everything before rummaging about for their money and my current favourite, now that shops here have introduced machines which read your bank cards, the customer who goes all through the ritual and then finds that they do not have enough cash in their account...on Saturday the less than ten items till had one of these geniuses - and all he was buying was a packet of dried beans! Who uses a card for a packet of dried beans? And where had his money gone?

  4. I had a similar spam email saying that they had a installed a programme on the PC and would release details of my searches unless I paid up. If I ignored it they would lock the computer files. I ignored it and nothing happened. They showed me an old password that I had used and that gave a bit of credibility. I suspect they got from the Dark Web when Yahoo got hacked years ago. Just make sure your PC security is up to date.

  5. Fly, Sadly it appears no-one has received my interesting info. As for supermarkets, well we had to wait long enough today! Grrrr.

  6. Dave, Indeed I was on an old PIPEX email which I use rarely so he has fiddled that, badly.


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