Saturday 9 June 2018

Carnival Time

Carnival time!  
The local carnival does not compete with those reported annually in the media however it is a bit of fun and local colour once a year allowing the kids to sit, somewhat perplexed, on the backs of big lorries offering lacklustre waves of the hand or waving frantically if the mood takes them.  I enjoy it because of the kids faces.  There is never much to it though some folks work real hard getting things together and preparing kids and parent for the day.  Just a bit of fun in the midst of the town.  The ability to pose comes naturally to Essex kids.  They may end up in television one day. 
So, here are a thousand pictures!

 As you can see the locals are a shy retiring lot.

This lot were either a 'Keep fit' team or a bunch of Amazons on the loose.  I took no chances and retired behind the tree.

Not all were Amazons however.

No scooters this year however there was one very interesting motor cycle.

'Showtime' was the theme this year and the floats offered a variety of music, mostly bad!

I have no idea what half these shows represented were!

When the army arrive the show is over.  The parade continues around town and ends up in the far away where the 'Fair' carries on for hours.

Just in case...


  1. What great photos! Enjoyed that parade!
    You know, I wonder how many would know that the 3rd photo is of a man trying to dress like "Woody" from "Toy Story". Only intelligent adults like myself and you, I am sure! LOL!
    I really like that "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled" t-shirt.

  2. I like these local one has a clue what the floats are supposed to represent, but everyone has a smile.
    Good job you kept away from those amazons...they can be nasty when roused.

  3. It looks good fun and everyone having a good time in glorious weather. Thats what its all about...

  4. Kay, I would not know 'Toy Story' but I believe you do! :)

    Fly, They are great. The 'Miners Gala' still exists in so many laces even though the miners are long gone.

    Dave, It is indeed and most had a good time.


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