Tuesday 20 February 2018

Tuesday Twaddle

Another day of joy and fun has ended peacefully.
Nobody got injured, no fights broke out, no war ensued.
A quiet day at the museum.
Visitors there were, few today but asking awkward questions and not spending any money, that type we get irked by.  This does not include the small school of around a dozen lovely wee kids who arrived to study the Stone Age.  Some came dressed appropriately but the others thought the weather was too cold to dress up.  All enjoyed their day as you would expect, they enjoyed the shop better however!

It is funny the books that people buy.  This is the only copy left of 'Buses in Essex,' a slow seller but one that will go.  That said I have a book on Edinburgh buses that I found fascinating therefore I see this as an acceptable and understandable volume.  You can suggest the most unlikely subject but it is clear someone somewhere will have written a book about it and many will keep a volume on their shelves.  Why is it that such subjects fascinate us?  We seem for 'heritage' or 'nostalgic' reasons to like such books but there are always 'anoraks' who have a subject knowledge that would win the 'Mastermind' if questioned on their hobby.  What makes us so interested in obscure things?  An escape from the world, possibly, maybe just something out of the ordinary that tickles us by the obscurity?  At least it keeps us off the streets.

As noted elsewhere Spring is in the air!  This is great, the daffodils begin to sprout, the days last longer, the early mornings are filled with the sound of Robins and Blackbirds announce the dawn and on occasions the sun itself can be seen mounting slowly into the sky.

Naturally the rain has returned and they are threatening us with Siberian snow this weekend well into March.  Nothing unusual in this as it happens often as this is winter.  The kids will love the snow, the whole nation will come to a standstill, outrage will fill the media and nothing will change and within a day or two all will be forgotten.
Meanwhile 'Brexit' continues and as yet nobody actually knows what is going on!  Maybe the cold weather will freeze the whole operation?


  1. So Beautiful. I Love the doubledecker Bus. Very nice

  2. Autumn commences here next week, but I'm sure we will have a final surge or two of heat from summer before the temps begin their mild descent.

    So far this week it has been cooler than the past few weeks...thank goodness....not before time!

  3. So guess which idiot chose this coming week to visit the sceptred isle........

  4. Glad to see you back, get the impression you have been posting a bit less, but then my own posting has been so erratic I've probably got it wrong. I love your photo of the new daffodil, it sums up what I love about this time of year - the real promise of spring when it still looks wintery and then you suddenly realise that the year is beginning again after all, despite the sneaking suspicion that THIS year it would stay winter forever.
    That might be something to do with Brexit of course!!

  5. Suza, Real ones next maybe...

    Lee, Spring to the weathermen begins 1st March, they say it might snow...

    Fly, I have no idea but it is warmer where you will be.

    Jenny, Yes last year was a waste and I am still having recurrent off days, the bug stays a long time. Brexit takes it out of you.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Mr A
    Most of my buttercups are up and blooming. We have set records in our state this month. One day it was 76 degrees and a few days later 80 degrees. Even if we get a cold snap now the ground will be too warm for the white stuff to stick. As for books, I love them. I hate reading on a device. How can it be a page turner without a page and if you wish your imagination can go wild and if a book is turned into a movie I feel my version is better. Haha. I was taught if you do not have the money, do not go into debt but today people have to indulge. Oh well I am in the dying breed generations so I will let the youngsters figure it out. Peace and Come visit KJ. I hope I am back for good this time.

  8. Lady, So glad you blooming flowers are successful. I hope all is well.


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