Saturday 3 February 2018

Dreich Saturday

I was somewhat surprised to come upon this van parked round the corner the other day.  I mean who would have thought a delivery van would be called 'Grabbit & Run?'  I would have said that was one of the local lawyers vans myself.  Fair to say he was facing the wrong way in a one way street so it is understandable that I thought it a legal experts vehicle.

Another gray dreich Saturday with cold winds a blowing.
This encouraged me to remain indoors mostly listening to my new neighbour downstairs move things in to the flat.
One thing about moving is the wonderful way nothing goes through doors.  On one or two nights I have heard strange noises and it was he and a companion pushing things through the window into the flat (He is on the ground floor).  Of course I offered assistance but he may not have heard me say this as I kept my mouth shut when offering assistance.  Clearly he and those assisting him have not yet finished as the noise has abated and he will no doubt return tomorrow to continue his movement.  I know it is a he as a letter arrived with a strange name and correct flat number so someone somewhere knows about him and is already asking for money.
The problem of flitting is the packing.  What do you keep and what do you throw away?  How do you pack it and how do you remember where you packed it after you arrive where you are going?  Some stick coloured labels on boxes, each pertaining to different rooms, other write in large letters the room, still others use numbers, all this to no avail as the box you wish is hidden under all the rest and you cannot find it.
When I moved here 21 years ago, almost 22 now, I had little to pack.  To move now would be torturous as I appear to have so much, where did it all come from and do I really require it all?   I suppose I ought to discover if I really need so much and dispose of the excess in charity shops and to be fair if I am continuing to be as forgetful as I have become I suspect I will buy most of it back again!
Most of what I have was required at the time, books are on the shelf, read once or dipped into as required but are these excess I wonder?  Clothes?  Not much as most people comment on my ability to shop at the charity shops, some rather too often I think.  I suppose some would wonder at what I have but I think most of it has a place.

I awaited with baited breath the Heart of Midlothian v St Johnstone game on BBC Alba this evening.  At ten minutes to six I switched on the laptop and found an update in the top left hand corner.
Eventually the machine woke up and demanded I 'RESTART NOW!' in that loving manner it possesses.  This I obediently did and after what seemed hours, partly because of my impatience as time was running out, partly because in my impatience I switched things on quickly and banged the buttons it all fell apart.  After many rude words and much finger twitching the game appeared two minutes after it began.
Over an hour and a half later I said to myself, "That's better out than in."  A worse first half could not be imagined.  Our lot appeared to consider going backwards the way to go forwards, I told them my opinion of this, they however continued to play a game of football unknown to kids in the playground.  Kids would try to score.  Kyle Lafferty, has he played football before? 
The second half was much better they started facing the right way, which was an improvement, and soon scored a goal, which was also an improvement.  For a while they pretended they were a football team and passed the ball to one another, checking the colour of the shirts worn by each side beforehand, something they had not done in the first half.  However it soon degraded into a slog and by the end we were all glad Barcelona were not coming in midweek.  We were not cheered by the knowledge that we meet St Johnstone next week in the Scottish Cup once again, oh joy!
Kyle Lafferty, has he played football before?


  1. I sympathise with your problems with the laptop...I have everything set up to listen to the cricket and the blasted thing wants to download something or configure something...
    I think we have finally unpacked everything that came up from the old house....but I can think of nothing that I would want to be rid of. We collect clutter as a rook does twigs.
    Liked the van...wasn't it Private Eye who had the firm of solicitors Sue, Grabbit and Run...

  2. Fly, Yes indeed it is Private Eye why have 'Sue, Grabbit & Run.' That's where I saw it. Maybe they are now doing deliveries on the side...

  3. I seem to remember Messrs Sue Grabbit and Run were solicitors in Private Eye.
    Moving is good for having a clear out of all the stuff accumulated over many years. I can recommend it.

  4. Dave, Indeed it must be P.E. I would like to move when rich, then the men can carry everything!


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