Tuesday 23 January 2018

Dying Uncared For.

We heard quite a bit this week re Boris Johnson demanding £100 million for the NHS.  This from the man who lied about leaving the EU enabling us to spend £350 million on the NHS from the cash we send Europe.  Of course that was a lie, we get most of that back, and he is one who wishes to introduce a US style health service so he and his kind can benefit from owning the shares of these private health companies.  This lie is another of many regarding the NHS that flies about these days and while it does so people are suffering in hospitals throughout the land because of financial cuts and mismanagement.  So much so that even the bureaucrats responsible are shouting about shortage of cash and not just to line their own pockets this time.  Note that people are suffering, many indeed are dying.  Lack of staff, not helped by attitudes that arose since the EU referendum which have seen many European nurses return to the continent, people not being seen in hospital for hours due to lack of beds, doctors, nurses, sometimes they wait days, and ambulances held up at hospitals failing to attend casualties because of being unable to offload patients into the A & E.  This alongside financial cut backs that lessen the number of ambulances and staff which leads to people dying while they wait.
That is my point.  People die because of mismanagement and cutbacks, people die in hospital and in the streets, people fail to see doctors when they require one and death follows and no-one appears to care.  Life is worth little.  
This however is seen also regarding road accidents.  Compare the result when a man takes a knife and kills his neighbour, he might get a life sentence and serve 15 or so years in prison.  However a drunk/drugged or careless driver who kills someone might only get 24 months, not years.  Some indeed do not go to prison at all because the law does not allow this and no-one appears willing to change this!  
No-one is ever responsible if a patient dies, this used to be different in Scotland maybe it still is.  No-one loses their job, no-one ends up before a judge.

We have aborted nine million children since 1967 in the UK alone and while many oppose this no government is willing to change, using the feeble reason of 'a woman's choice.'  No woman has the right to kill a child and the child is not the woman, it is in her body, and this responsibility is not hers alone but also the fathers.  No decent society ought to allow such murder but we do and find excuses to continue this.  Life is cheap.  
Life is cheap and we are demeaned by these attitudes.  We care less for one another and love unimportant things more as we do so.  Individuality becomes prominent, another way of saying selfishness.  The 'rights' of one becomes more important than decent behaviour or the 'rights' of others.  We care less about our neighbours, less about whatever the 'right thing' might be, although we all know what the 'right thing' in any event actually is but fail to allow this to propel us to act, and put ourselves first.  I find I do it, don't you?  Society in general in the UK daily to do the 'right thing' in so many situations encouraged by the gutter press though there is no other kind and  dumbed down TV shows that reach for the lowest common denominator and the worship of celebrity, and you don't wish to know my opinion of most celebrities!
We need to change urgently.


  1. The one to go for is Jeremy Hunt, with his links to the private health lobby...the man who refused to be sacked in the latest reshuffle.
    When I think what the young NHS managed to do in the period of post war austerity and compare that to the bloated management system of today I wonder just how we let it happen.

  2. I am also realising the extent to which Labour is also taking an uncaring attitude to the NHS, been reading articles in the Lancet that show doctors are terrified about Brexit but when I raise it with Corbyn supporters I just get lies and abuse. So shocked. I must say that seeing your photo of George Orwell reminds me of how much I admire him, not that I need admiring. I had everything he ever wrote as a teenager and read it many times. I still think of his work almost every day. They were all tatty paperbacks that disintegrated in the end. Time to buy some more copies, wish he was alive today .... love to hear what he would say about Brexit.

  3. Fly, Aye Thatcher began the decline and allowed the creation of Trusts to increase administrators and waste cash. Hunt has carried this on and will continue to do so, though some Tories are now worried about this.

    Jenny, I thought Corbyn would bring in decent policies but he and Labour have failed miserably. Getting elected is all that matters though he could lose many MPs next time. I have never read Orwell, I don't do novels, but might try one day.

  4. Half can't even spell "responsibility"!!

  5. Lee, Neither can the other half.


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