Wednesday 27 December 2017

Warmest Year 2017 They Say...?

I glanced at an item in the paper the other day regarding statistics indicating 2017 had been the warmest year since whenever.  I thought of this as the man on TV informed me it would be snowing all day and winds up to 40 mph would bring that same snow through the cracks in my windows.  It was impossible to disagree with his forecast.  Today we reached a 'warmth' of one degree 'C' which must please people who normally live in Siberia, they would consider this tropical, we living in the outer reaches of soft southern England find it means a lot to us!  While I am told constantly I should be used to this having been brought up in a nation that is often 'colder than Moscow' it must be remembered that having been on this difficult mission field since 1975 I have become somewhat accustomed to the constant high temperatures that prevail, tomorrow they claim it will be 13C near this area, we await such high temperatures with expectancy.  Mind you I notice the setting sun has left a noticeable pinkness in the sky so maybe we need not be too expectant.


  1. Pretty photos.
    Keep bundled up and do some jumping jacks!

  2. No wonder we live in Costa Rica and moan about the heat...

  3. The most enlightened "they" strike again!!!!

  4. Kay, Jumping.....? You silly girl!

    Fly, I would rather moan about heat...

    Lee,'They' are watching you!


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