Thursday 14 September 2017


In spite of my knee giving me billy-O yesterday I hobbled manfully down to the museum at one to aid the lass in charge.  She would be on her own all afternoon as a variety of excuses meant no-one else was about.  So without a word of complaint I faltered into my place.  
Immediately the manager arrived having decided to change his routine and indicated with a sly smile I could have remained at home.  Too late for that I thought and cheerful as always settled in to do almost nothing all afternoon.  It was a quiet day fortunately and only a couple of people entered or passed in and out.  

In between studying books I examined the shelves to see what had been moved since the day before, I knew after I left yesterday she would shift things about, and then I came upon the bottle opener.  Good grief these used to be lying about everywhere and sideboards and kitchens abounded with such things (especially in Glasgow) as most beers until the 60's came in bottle, kids drinks did also think Coca-Cola for instance.  Now so many come in tins with 'ring pull' tops.  
This bottle opener which once was given free by manufacturers of drinks now costs £7.  Jings!  Certainly it will last a lifetime and your grandchildren will inherit the thing in years to come but £7 for that.  The bird, made out of light wood I think may be decorative but what would you do with such an item?  I often find myself asking such questions and later that day selling the thing I was confused by.  You can never tell what will sell and what will fail, it is a strange business retail.


  1. I think I probably still have one of this bottle openers around somewhere...perhaps I should sell it and make a profit!! :)

  2. I wonder where mine is...?

  3. Suza, Thanks

    Lee, I offer £7.

    Fly, Try a screwtap..

  4. You are indeed an inspiration unto us all. I complain about things on a regular bases, and there you are with far more faults than me enduring life without complaint. Amazing!

  5. Jerry, That is true.

  6. Well, I have thought about popping in to Braintree museum sometimes.... but your comment about NOT MANY people passing out there, makes me wonder if you have a gas leak or something :)

  7. Jenny, Well we did have the gas man in that day....!


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