Friday 2 June 2017


Being stuck indoors while the plumber mucked about under the sink replacing the taps that fell apart I had little chance to get out.  This was just as well as after I had finished the clear up the weather broke.  The usual weather round here in Spring/Summer is a few hot days and then a 24 hour period filled with thunder and lightning and torrential downpours.  I hide under the bed...choking in the dust!

The torrents that fell, only for a short time it must be said but repeatedly all afternoon, forced normal people indoors.  Those dressed for the heat ran, walked or stumbled murmuring anti-rain words as they made their drookit way home.  The rain begins suddenly and caught many out, I laughed empathised from the window safe inside.
However the wood pigeons, possibly because we have had so little real rain recently, made for the developing puddle in the park and thoroughly enjoyed the bath/shower that ensued.  At least two were there in the downpour, other birds appeared when the rain eased up searching for beasties forced to the surface by the water.  The Crows when they appeared also cast mere disdain on the rain as they do on anyone or anything that passes by. 
Birds, they are not human are they?

Something happened re the election today but I really don't care.  I know how I will vote however this plan has been changed since last week as I hooked myself onto the Twitter feeds of the candidates and discovered the UKIP man does not have one, I wonder why, I already offer advice to the sitting Tory, the Lib-Dem woman was impossible to discover info about and the Green was not worth it.  This left the Labour man who has lost any chance of my vote as I discovered he must have blocked me at the last election!
I wonder what I said?
I must vote but this makes things difficult.  We know the national outlook but it is here at local level votes count, or in this case don't as the Tory always wins.  Even more chance now they are using UKIP policies.  How I miss that inner London constituency where there was no guarantee for any MP no matter what party they belonged to, this one feels like a one party state!  
One more week and then we can complain about something else.


  1. beautiful pictures of rain

  2. I wouldn't mind if it rained today...and tomorrow. A rainy weekend is always welcome in my little corner of the world. I'm going to pretend it's raining...I've got a beef stew simmering away on the stove (where else?), and now I'm about to start reading today's newspaper.

    Have a good weekend, Mr. Ad-Man. :)

  3. The house in the (rain) clouds at the moment....still, the internet is back and I can listen to the cricket - until the rain starts hammering on the roof and drowning the sound.

  4. Suza, I learn from you!

    Lee, You can have ours.

    Fly, Ah the gentle tinkle of raindrops drowning out the sound!


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