Saturday 11 February 2017

Light Snow

Light snow this morning, freezing cold night.  Snow has returned as we speak so I am wrapped up indoors watching poor English football on the laptop.  It is zero degrees at the moment but they claim that buy Wednesday it will be 10% here!   What has trump done to the weather????  I'm taking the laptop to bed...



  1. By the look of mother's current shopping list she is preparing for Antarctic conditions for a twelvemonth....only lacking the sled and huskies...

  2. Yeah! That's what you tell us! "Laptop", indeed! Couldn't you come up with a better name?? :)

    Stay warm...while I keep my cool...I mean, while I try to stay cool.

  3. Mr A
    President Trump being blamed for the weather! Now that one is rich. But then again he is blamed for everything else.
    It is time for the whining losers to get on with their lives and realize the election is over. I watch less and less TV because politics is showing up in most programs and sports. I do hope Tim McGraw's song Humble and Kind gets the song of the year tonight but again I will not watch.


  4. Fly, Sled & Huskies sounds a good idea.

    Lee, Cool!!!

    Lady, Trump must go!!!


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