Monday 2 January 2017

The Year Long Slog Begins...

It will be another year before we have another Christmas and New Year.  I suspect at this moment some will be unwilling to consider this.  I know however of one man who has already begun his preparations, not that I am saying he buys things when they are cheap but that is what he is doing.  If only I had the money to buy things on the cheap I say...
Let us now put aside the leftovers that we have been living on, get ready to remove the decorations, the cards and the pile of wrecked wrapping paper that cannot be recycled and clean up.  Then we get be free to make another mess.
January has started and this means one thing only, shops will be full of valentines Day junk this time next week!  

I don't make resolutions at new year, they are just a fad,but I must lose weight and change what I eat.  Far more veg is required and a lot less sweet stuff.  I must move about a lot more also, this sitting at a laptop enjoying myself must stop!  I say this as I stuff left over cake into my gob, the last of the year I tell thee.  Well apart from a few biscuits that appeared in the cupboard, and several bags of crisps...

The constant talk about the weather you find on this island at the edge of the world is no surprise when you note what has been happening to us in recent days.  One day it's fog, the next bright skies, then mist, then rain, then bright skies again!  How nice for those folks not exposed to varying weather currents who can enjoy some stability for a decent length of time.  The bright blue skies of today will be replaced tomorrow by dark clouds hanging overhead, most of these caused by the general return to work of course. 
While many shops have been open in England both yesterday and today for the majority it has been a day off.  Scotland always has two days off at new Year, mostly because the drunks take two days to recover!  Especially in Ayrshire I am told!  Round here we just have the fireworks fetishists who keep us awake at all hours and fill the streets with dead rockets, their sticks tripping up the unwary and being redeployed by schoolboys on a mission of some sort.  

And this year let's all write that book that is desperate to come to life!


  1. I'm looking forward to your book about soldiers. I wish you could track down some of my relations who were military on both sides.

    Happy new year to you!

  2. I've just come home from San Jose. In the Mercado Borbon there was an official trying to persuade stall holders to take down the Christmas decorations. Their spokesman expressed the view that leaving them up would save time next year...
    I left before the riot started...

  3. What a dark horse you are, are you going to write a best seller? I can say I knew you when!

  4. I don't make resolutions, either. But I snuck up on myself and have done a bit of long-needed de-cluttering! (Don't tell anyone!)

    I'm glad all the madness is over....for another year!

  5. Jenny, It is possible to find dead soldiers, harder with those who survived. Give names etc and I will have a look for you.

    Fly, A few pics of decorations flying would aid your next blog. Here the market was too cold for argument, thoughts of decoration centred on coloured scarves and anoraks!

    Kay, I never said 'best seller.' However I implied we ALL would write that book this year!

    Lee, De cluttering is fine!

  6. computer issues have kept me from visiting. I too have several books I have begun but alas no real time to read. My Mother always said it was BAD LUCK to keep the decorations up after New Year so I always try to pack them away before as I do not wish to test the saying. I have to go to the diabetic doctor next week and I have fell off the wagon too many times during the holidays so I expect bad news. I have found portion control is the best way to lose weight because then you do not feel deprived. We here in TN are experiencing fog, rain warm weather and then a 40 degree drop. It was 25 degrees when I awoke this morning with the promise of snow to arrive at noon and continued showers until midnight. Next 3 days the highs will be just above freezing and in the teens at night. I think I will stay inside. Peace and I will be back if the computer will stay up and connected.


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