Friday 20 January 2017

Oh Dear Oh Dear

I noticed this man sitting there enjoying what sun there was on his back.  He sat contentedly watching the world go by.  For millennia birds such as he have sat on branches, walls, and telegraph wires watching the world go about its business and carried on with their lives as if nothing was happening.  Eating, laughing and sleeping is all they care about.  We however can envy animals and birds this leisure but have to participate in one way or another while the world makes its mistakes.
I mentioned to this bird Trump has become president and he flew away screaming!  I wonder if he will be back?

Oh dear Oh dear, what has America done?  One of the mistakes made is the people listening to politicians speaking up for them and then failing to work for them as promised.  Trump did this to excess today.  He told his congregation what they wanted to hear and happily left them to it.  Of course it is nonsense, for one he talked of bringing jobs back to America yet he sent his factories to China, has he forgotten this?  His cry that the people are now the government was brilliant but clearly nonsense as he is the government, well him and Congress, the military, powerful businesses, the insurance companies, the lobby groups ....

Should we be placing bets as to when he gets shot....?
Just asking, it is the USA you know!


  1. I've switched off and haven't seen a single bit of news or TV about Trump's installation. I think the world has always been like this, but for some reason there was a hiatus after WW2 when the powers that be realised for a while that people need to work together if they want to be OK.
    Love the cartoon!

  2. Listening to Trump's speech a phrase of my mother's came to mind: meant well, so did Hitler.

  3. Well, as you point out, US politicians belong to corporate and special interests and certainly the idiots chosen to serve in Trump's idea of government got there by donation and it is also worth noting that only in Trump's mind did he win the popular vote or a mandate. He in fact won neither. The electoral College, designed to prevent the likes of Trump seizing government for self-aggrandizement, failed utterly in its job, as did both major parties, neither of which has much to do with the average voter. If you've heard the childhood story about the Emperor having new clothes when in fact he is naked, you might get a clue as to the situation. Scary sums it up for me.

  4. Jenny, After WW2 there was a general agreement about rebuilding. After Thatcher greed was set free and considering people ended.

    Fly, Meant well, up to a point...

    e, Scary indeed!


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