Saturday 24 December 2016

Christmas Eve Again

The panic is over, the shops closing as early as they can, people wondering if the goods bought will do, some already half way through the generous wine and spirit bottles proffered to them, others indulging in friendships across the bar of many a public house.  Too late to worry now if the gifts will be accepted, just hope it is the thought that counts, not the Christmas jumper, the coloured socks or the cheap after shave uncles are used to getting at this time of year, for them giving is better than receiving, especially if it is another Christmas jumper!

The desire for bread got me out before the hordes descended on Sainsbury's for their last minute buys.  To get there I went the wrong way round to get a glimpse of grass and the pink sunrise.  Pink at one side yellow at the other.   The sky is always a wonder, except when it is gray of course! 

Now I always thought seagulls were bright birds able to spot lunch a mile away.  However this lot were swirling around like they were going down the plughole and avoiding the contents of last nights KFC box that was strewn across the grass not 50 yards away.  After a night sitting freezing on the estuary they pass over heading into the farmland seeking fields to devour yet they missed the deployment of cold chips that they usually manage to find in the bottom of bins.  Maybe they were expecting Christmas Pudding?  

Darkness has fallen, night closes its tired eyes, well maybe in an hour or so, kids everywhere are overexcited and unable to sleep, adults scramble to wrap presents in paper that will be a crumbled mess in 12 hours time, and publicans begin to recognise which of their clients will be helped home earlier than they expected shortly.  
Me I sit at the laptop working away on things of great importance, listening to radio, browsing Amazon to make use of the book token received, sipping tea, and wondering why I put so much on my plate!  This few days will not help the diet....


  1. The seagulls are smart....they're far too clever they know a good thing when they see it. With their discerning palate there are better foods to partake in than to partake KFC!!!! Shocking stuff - it's an insult to call it food!

    A quiet Christmas Day is the way my day will be spent - just me and my two furry rascals, and lots of tasty goodies upon which to graze.

    It's 7.45 am Christmas morning as I type, with thunder rumbling in the distance. I doubt we'll get much rain, if any, from it. Of course, it could be Santa's stomach rumbling...he's had a busy night here!

    I'm off to a good start....I'm about to have a very healthy breakfast of coffee and shortbread! The fruit mince tarts and Christmas cake can wait for later! I've already cut my cake. It's pretty yummy, too:

    Don't throw yourself out with the wrapping paper, Mr. Ad-Man!! Have a good day. :)

  2. Wonderful skies in those photographs.
    I expect the seagulls know that one bite of a KFC offering and they will be grounded...
    Have a good day tomorrow - and every day. Not that you are one to complain...

  3. Have a good Christmas.

  4. Lee, I reckon you are right about those birds! Enjoy the day!

    Fly, The sky is always good, I never complain about that....Enjoy the crowds today!

    Dave, Thanks Dave, and the same to you, enjoy!


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