Friday 19 February 2016



  1. Have you got the crud again?

  2. Oh...that's no good. Perhaps the old-fashioned method of a hot lemon drink with a dash of rum at night before you switch of the light might help do the trick. Grab a bag of oranges - juice some and eat the rest; but drink the juice immediately don't let it sit around for hours or days. Fresh is best!

    Get loads of Vitamin C into you...and get well soon. That is an order, by the way! :)

  3. Man flu .....the worse kind. Follow Lee's remedies, keep nice and snug plus some good footie on TV.

  4. Toddy...followed by more toddy.
    You've been working too hard again...take care of yourself.

  5. Reminds me of the fella who was in the jungle and discovered he had no painkillers for his migraine. Apparently, the parrots eat 'em all...

  6. Oh no man flu! A wee dram and off to bed with you.

  7. Jerry, It is with me always...

    Lee, Rum & Vit C hmmm...

    Dave, I follow willingly.

    Fly, If I worked as hard as you I would be died!

    Mike, Is that suppositary to eb funny...?

    Mo, How kind.


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