Friday 12 February 2016

A Dark and Stormy Week

It's been a tough week.
Office politics, based on girls jealousy, selfish ambition and misunderstandings have ruined my life.  Not that I was much involved, my place was on the periphery, but after many meetings, discussions and tears changes are afoot.  Two of the lassies are now leaving us which breaks my heart and worse means two strange incomers will arrive and require training in 'our ways.'  No doubt both will be female!  I have told the big boss, a man, to bring at least one male in to avoid such conflict again but the majority interviewed will be female I suspect.  
Little things develop from misunderstandings, people separate from one another gossip, that grows and before you know where you are resentment erupts and lovely people suddenly fall out.  How easy to sit down now and see it happen in hindsight, to consider what should have been done, what I could have done even to lessen the growing problem.  Too late, it's all over now.  At least those moving on will get a good life elsewhere and we will continue as always, however many new ideas flow and changes arrive.  I just sit here shell shocked and not a little peeved.

Life goes on and in the midst of this I have been dragged in to fill the spaces from volunteers who have also moved away.  So many changes are not good for my equilibrium I tell thee!  Especially as being there I am not here and this means nothing is done.  The Landlord arrived on Tuesday while I was out unannounced as his lass forgot to send out the warning note and they did the annual boiler check.  Fair enough but at least they know how smelly this place is when I don't open the windows!  The cold prevents this and when I have been out three days in a row the mess piles up.  The question "Are you opening a charity shop?" was however a bit harsh I thought.  
Today I have the joy of housework, the word joy' is misplaced here, and as I rose late from sheer exhaustion I have already cut corners and will leave much until Monday when it can be done then.  Actually, I might just leave it and go back to bed....


  1. Such a pity the two women didn't resolve their differences before it reached this point. As to that newspaper clipping....what is even morel scary is those that will "believe" such a statement.

  2. The trouble is that we tend to think that the warning signs are just trivia...well,to us they are, but not to the people concerned.

  3. Your mood appears to be similar to my own; I suggest going back to bed. That's what I'm going to be doing shortly; to do a bit of reading and then, perhaps, watch a movie or two.

    The world is full of them - unfortunately! Those who make statements like the one depicted in the newspaper clipping! 'Tis why I live a reclusive life these days!!!

  4. Office politics can be particularly damaging as I know from experience.

  5. Mo, The newspaper clipping looks genuine at that!

    Fly, My stupidity did not notice.

    Lee, I think I may know them....

    Mike, It's a terrible experience.

  6. It's always a shame when things get that bad between people. Was it really your job to sort them out? I suppose it might have made life a little easier now, if you had tried, but it would just have been a matter of putting off the evil day.


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