Tuesday 19 January 2016


The Robin pictured here was helpful enough to stop singing and pose for me while I struggled to work out which button to press on the camera.  Sitting there singing his delightful song while announcing to other Robins or any other bird that he was around, and if any lassie is available here is my phone number.  Possibly my presence stopped him getting a response.  Listening to his call and awaiting a reply I wondered if I would here a reply.  Could it be that with the traffic noise nearby he might yet hear any reply even though I could not I wondered?  
We appear to have a lot of these tough wee birds around here but usually they do not pose.  Possibly he thought me a threat to his territory and was willing to see me off.  He won.  Being you I suspect you are telling me he is a she but I will let that pass, you are just guessing as I was. 

Museum was busy today.  I found an interesting museum type magazine and began to read but found it difficult as every time I picked it up the phone rang.  People booking for one of the events usually.  Back to the mag and someone comes in the door, handle them with care and attention hoping they will pay money and back to the mag.  It took till long after finishing time to get to the back page and then I could read no more as three disparate groups came in to prowl the premises. 
All regulars in one way or another, two groups with 'learning difficulties,' that awful pc tag dumped on them by white middle class know best types and one of the 'University of the 3rd Age' groups.  I find it difficult to see people in their third age university when I never finished one.  
B.A. (failed) that's me.  

Having spent all morning indoors I had to get out and take advantage of the bright sky above that I had been watching through the windows.  With the temperature being so low and the sun in the sky we had a wide variety of colourful skies laden with streaky clouds today.  The sky is always worth noting and in the distance especially there were fabulous colours appearing yet I was unable to turn the camera onto them.  When I eventually left the building the skies had changed and these puffy clouds drifted high above, still bright yet without the hues of earlier.  
The one thing I missed from Edinburgh was the view north across the Firth of Forth towards Fife as the skies there were always attractive, although at this time of the year usually gray and flecked with snow!  Bah!  Yesterdays view of Granton was one of the best in days of yore but with all the flats built there it is not like it was sadly.

It appears there is football on tonight, you will be surprised to hear I am off to watch this.  I hope I can keep awake to the end...



  1. We have something called a Laughing Falcon...it could make itself heard over the roar of London traffic.let alone the Essex version...it's like the Laughing Policeman on a legal high...

  2. A sweet, beautiful little bird. Well-captured...well done! :)

  3. Female or male robin?
    The little brown bit on the head, if it comes down into a "V"shape, it is a female, if it is "U" shaped, it is a male. Since the bird usually has the head turned with the eye looking at you, this is hard to see. Hey, I just read this, Ad MAN, I don't know for SURE!

  4. And I meant to say, if I had taken a photo of a robin like that, I would be so happy! I would put it on the side of my blog forever and always. I mean it, it is great!

  5. Good picture of the robin. I joined the U3A after retirement and mainly go to the history events, so far very good and in Cardiff they are well attended.

  6. Jerry, As always...

    Fly, Sounds good, get Leo out there with the camera!

    Lee, Sweet indeed, I think he may have been a confused young 'un.

    Kay, Sadly it doesn't do either, that makes me think he is very young.

    Kay, Your pics are always good. Richards are OK too.

    Dave, Aye popular here and around a dozen came for a wee lecture and wander around the museum yesterday, we charge a fiver a time. Several of the staff go on these events elsewhere.

  7. Wonderful little robin and he or she is much sweeter than the ones over here. The ones we have are very large birds and travel in flocks. As for the clouds you cannot go wrong with such a photo as they always change. Every time I look at clouds I hear the sentence "Dust from his feet". Sometimes he walks gently and other times Not.
    BTW I have found E6000 glue with hold anything in place and I use it religiously to repair all different kinds of items.
    It is best to stick with memories and not check out the now as those selective frames in our mind are so much better.
    I remember how safe we were in the country, no murders or molester and children could come and go anytime and feel safe. Heck we did not lock our doors. Peace

  8. Lady, The Robins here tend to live separately, except when chasing each others women.

  9. If I am ever doing gardening there is a robin who comes and sits nearby, hoping I have done all the hard work of uncovering worms, I think. I love to see them in winter. Never seem to see them in summer, though. I wonder where they go.

  10. Jenny, I think they are always around but hide in the bushes during the year. The bare branches expose them.

  11. Excellent shots of Robin...

  12. Oh what a wee beauty.

  13. Mo, Yes, yes, but what about the Robin...?


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