Wednesday 6 January 2016

Away With the Birds

The world has been shrouded in mist today and I had a 'couldn't be bothered' day at that.  However I dragged myself out before noon to wander through the gardens looking for misty pictures.  It has to be said that I was too late, the mist was clearing somewhat and what could have produced interesting shots two hours before offered merely damp scenes now.  
However up on the bare branch sat this Robin singing away to the surrounding world informing them that this was his patch so gerrroutofit and if any passing women were available he wanted his next tidied.   He sat there some time.  
I love the song of such birds, as he is part of the Thrush family like Blackbirds he can sing very well.  The song resounded all around and it is sad that I have no record of his voice to offer.  Maybe I will think quicker next time.  

Gey dreich in the distance however and this is how it was as I plodded homewards.  Dampness all around including my shoes and the chill in the air indicating the mild winter is ending and a cold spell appearing.  This times nicely with the request for my Gas Meter reading which arrived today.  I promptly ran slowly downstairs, read the meter, sent off the numbers and noted how my use of gas has fallen slightly in these last few months.   The gas man will not be happy with this.  He might not be able to make me pay more this time, but he will certainly not reduce the price even if he has got gas cheaper than ever!

While the Robins and other wee birds sang, chased one another and stuffed themselves the Wood Pigeons (which are not made out of wood) merely spent their time sullenly sitting high in the tree gathered together but at a distance from one another.  Rare to see two sit together unless it's hanky panky time.  The people around were similarly morose today, the weather does this.  Therefore I am off to bed to sullenly grumble to myself about the weather and the lack of interesting activities around here.


  1. A well-captured Robin..and well-captured birds. I bet you have little trouble capturing the birds, Mr. Ad-Man!

    The rain has cleared away from here for now. It was most welcome when it was me, anyway.

  2. Why don't you ever take pictures of the buzzards circling overhead? They are always circling when you are outside--right?

  3. January is the hottest month here, so it would make sense that January is the coldest month there.

  4. Get you meter reading through the post, bit old fashioned thought you would have done that on line and saved a fiver

  5. Lee, I am surrounded by birds daily.

    Jerry, There are lots of buzzards around me daily...

    Carol, It doesn't make sense to me.

    Bill, No indeed it did come via the web. British Gas are too mean to post it!

  6. I love that photo of the robin and I knew that was what it was just from the profile! AND I also know its song, it is very loud for such a little bird and very welcome to hear on a winter's day.

  7. I just looked it up and your robin is now considered to be a member of the old world flycatcher family. This makes sense to me as the American robin is a member of the thrush family and it also looks very much like the blackbird that you have, which is the same family. I am not an expert, but I do love birds. :-)

  8. Kay, You know EVERYTHING!!!!!! :)


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