Saturday 28 November 2015

Nature Day

After a refreshing and very long sleep I awoke bleary eyed too late to rush in early to help prepare the day at the museum.  So I slowly trudged down the road shivering in the cold air and took my place as far from the hard work as possible.  The tables were laid out as several local peoples were displaying their wares.  This table was run by a couple who deal in fossils and such like.  Very interesting but sadly too few people arrived today.  This table had a tin full of very old sharks teeth the kids were encouraged to fiddle with, they like it!  

This young lady ran a stall on behalf of 'Guide dogs for the Blind.'  She was escorted by two dogs, one retired from duty and a four month old Labrador who is undergoing training.  Both were popular!

The dogs were happy enough and keen on attention, a bit like the lassies I meet here!
The weather meant the town was quieter than normal today and with several other events on their way elsewhere it hit our numbers but enough came to keep us busy.  Several groups who support local Gardens or Wildlife efforts were in attendance and there were four talks by people on John Ray the naturalist who led the world in understanding plants.  he lived just outside town in Black Notley and The John Ray Society were also there to talk about his life.  I never met him as he lived in the 1600s and I was not here then.

I need not explain that muggins was the one who spent much time washing cups after this lot left!
I will have 'washday hands' soon.  Some very nice and enthusiastic people were there with a lot of knowledge of their subject.  Hopefully a similar event will occur but preferably in the Spring which would be better for all.  Now we just have the run up to Christmas, oops no we don't, there is an event tomorrow as the town switches its Christmas lights on and we and most others will be open and offering something or other.
With all this festive jollity, happy faces, laughter and pleasantness I can assure you I will be at home looking out my 'Bah Humbug' hat!


  1. This is a really great museum, full of ideas and energy. I imagine a lot of that must be due to the volunteers. Perhaps that is where all your energy goes. (viz tired and weary day - blame the museum!!)

  2. What was it? Hands that do dishes can be soft as your face....

  3. It's because you're such an expert at washing up, Mr. Ad-Man....your expertise as the best washer-upperer is known and revered world wide.

    It's too damn hot and humid here at the moment. I think we'll be in for a storm later today.

    Have you got an extra "Bah Humbug" hat?

  4. What a great little event for your community to observe each year whether in Spring or Autumn. An event that all communities everywhere could be doing to save our planet and build awareness.

  5. "As far from the hard work as possible", that's funny! I am sure you work very hard indeed. No, really, I do!!
    Wish I could have gone to that Nature Day, it sounds like fun.
    You are lucky to work in the museum, sounds like my dream job.

  6. Getting yourself a pocket-puppy may help in the romance department.

  7. Jenny, No ideas spring from this muddled head! The lass who organises the exhibitions does a great job. I look forward to seeing what has been arranged for next year.

    Lee, Being 'washed up' I am used to doing the washing up.

    Carol, It was good.

    Kay, I do indeed keep away from hard work, I'm good at that.

    Jerry, I think a Doberman would suit me...

  8. Fly, Hands that do dishes can be soft as my head!!!


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