Wednesday 28 October 2015

Nothing Happened

Nothing happened again today.  The teeming rain forced the citizens indoors except for the poor souls who had to work outside.  Judging by the buzzing noise for nearby someone was busy chopping trees somewhere in spite of the weather.  The postmen had to work as well as lucky folks driving vans and buses but the majority stayed indoors.  I know this as when the rain eased off around eleven I scuttled up to Sainsburys and found the locals arriving as I left.  Thousands off them rushing out to fill their well stocked cupboards and complain they have nothing to eat or money to spend!  

As the sun hid itself I wandered about trying to capture a red sky but was left with peely wally pink instead.  When I sit here from the window I see glowing red skies yet when I venture out it is always a faded sky that greets me, Bah!  I wandered round as the darkness began and attempted this pic of the back of the town hall and library next door.  One man standing there made clear his thoughts that the round library was not in keeping with the surrounding buildings but it was built anyway!  He was right of course.  In fact as I looked I realised just how much wasted space there is in the building, vast acres of nothingness.  A bit like this blog...

Instead of rebuilding the library in a more suitable form I took a picture of the museum shop in the darkening evening.  It didn't quite work either.  No doubt as I look at the camera I will find settings I should have used for such pictures.  It's fun mind.
Not much else happened, I hope your day was better than mine.


  1. Vast acres of nothingness offer room for reflection...

  2. I enjoy "nothing" days. I don't enjoy days filled with hustle and bustle. And I've been enjoying today here because it's been raining intermittently and I love rainy days....great days to do nothing but just be in a daze. ;)

    I do like your pics, by the way!

  3. They're great pictures, they catch the atmosphere completely. I feel I could be there. Your photos are coming on and you have a gift for creating atmosphere, I've noticed it in some of the other ones you have done, e.g. the ones out cycling.
    Personally I like the library but then I am a big fan of domes on buildings, give me them rather than square and blocky any day.

  4. "Peely wally pink", I like that!

  5. Fly, Indeed. I saw no reflection....

    Lee, A lady of discernment I see.

    Jenny, Some pics work OK.

    Kay, Glad you did, now use it!

  6. Pealy Wally Pink ~ I must look for that shade of pink at the hardware shop.


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