Saturday 31 October 2015

Grumbling a Wee Bit

Nothing exciting happening these days.  The halloween wagon is well under way.  Shops full of rubbish  that lasts for one night and few people understand the occasion and fewer still the reality of spirits.  We turn this into a kids playground opening their minds to the occult and its many dangers.  Much better what we had as kids,a party ducking for apples in basins of water and trying to eat treacle tarts hanging from the ceiling with hands tied behind our backs.  I canny mind the other activities.  Sad to see so many churches fail to understand the problem also.

The Poppy parade is however well under way.  People today comprehend the need and are willing to pay and wear poppies.  One or two things do annoy however.  One is the demand that everyone wears them.  The whole point of fighting for freedom is to ensure people can decide for themselves whether to wear them or not.  TV companies are bad at this as those who appear MUST be seen to wear a poppy in case the TV company gets a bad name, that is not right!  
Another point that annoys is the remembrance being turned into an event.  Instead of remembering people are wearing fancy poppies that cost money, TV channels offer elaborate poppies for women to show off and some events are less for remembrance than for get togethers. This is fine for ex-servicemen meeting up but for too many the real reason is forgotten.
From what I have seen of the Legion members these days few participated in the Second World War but many were in Korea, the forgotten war, Malaya fighting Communist insurgents, and those 'end of empire' conflicts when nations became independent, sometimes peaceably.  It is forgotten that British troops were in action somewhere in the world in every year since 1945 except 1958.  There was always some problem somewhere.  Today many ex-servicemen were involved in another forgotten conflict, one that most people today do not wish to remember - the Irish situation.  Many were shot in the back, blown up and maltreated while attempting to separate at preserve a divided nation that did not wish, and some say still does not wish, to keep the peace.  I sometimes feel we should be considering local memorials to those men who fell after 1945 and ensuring their names are not forgotten by being blended in with the armistice remembrance.

What do you mean I'm a grump?  Try these then if you wish....

I understand some of you find an advert on the page blocking things.  I do not see this as I use AdBlockPlus and the ads don't show here.  I will look into it and see what I can do.....


  1. Boy! You sure are grumpy today, Mr. Ad-Man! What's gotten into you? This is not like you at all! You'd better jump back into bed again and get out the other side, even if it means you have to climb out the window to do so!!!

    Happy Halloween to you! :)

  2. I wish that those who wear their poppy would go one step further and insist that those who fight the government's wars are treated properly when injured and discharged.

  3. My recommendations, turn Ad Sense off in Blogger or see if you can position where the Ad Sense appears in your layout or change the size of your left column to make it wider. And we can test it for you. Now why are you grumbling again?

  4. More of an event than a true commemoration.... instead of the dignitaries let's have some of the survivors of wars doing the honours.

  5. I feel like we are kindred spirits as I too find that people start decorating for Halloween too soon. It is just one day and not a season. But so could we argue that Christmas is just one day and not a season. Forget about Thanksgiving as the big shops have started Christmas sales on November 1st here in the states. As long as people come and shop the seasons will get longer and longer until there will be no season at all. Give me back the old days of my youth, when stores closed at nine o'clock at night and everyone but the grocery stores closed Wednesdays and the grocery stores opened from 1-5 on Sundays and all the holidays no one was open for business. Peace

  6. Lee, Indeed I am usually gentle and quiet but sometimes one just has to speak out.

    Fly, Ha! I suppose one in ten get what is right, and then told to get a job in spite of the loss of legs!

    Carol, I will look into that.

    Fly, Maybe having those responsible for them at the front allows us to see the faces as they lay wreaths.

    Lady, Lets not go back too far!

  7. I was kinda here. I will explain later.

  8. Jerry, You are always here.


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