Sunday 13 September 2015


Sniffling forced me to remain indoors all day today, suffering but not complaining!  I wish I had stayed in yesterday also as I was washed out afterwards.  Nothing much happened today although the Tory press appear transfixed with the new Labour leader.
Jeremy Corbyn, another middle class left winger now has the leadership and is forming his policies as we speak.  What these will be and whether any will work is debatable, but what we have now is unacceptable and what was opposed to it was too similar to be acceptable.  
For too long the Labour Party has sought the middle ground simply to get elected.  In doing this they forgot the people who they were supposed to represent.  'Class structure' is not what it was in the UK but the large middle class vote tend to go for the Tories as they fear Labour will steal their cash.  These are the same people who pay through the nose for gas & electric, plus water, and commute by rail murmuring about the privatised prices charged.  Will they never learn?
Certainly the Tory papers, the Daily Mail, Telegraph and Sun, will be attacking Labour now with tales off woe and despair, infighting and fear.  The fear of course is that he challenges their position on all things and people will soon realise this government is destroying not building a nation!

 Of course it could be worse....

Ah yes, thanks for reminding me, I need to put some honey in my Hot Toddy, this local stuff will do the trick, G'night all...


  1. I hope you're feeling better, Mr. Ad-Man. I think a few hot toddies and lots of fresh fruit might just do the trick! Take care!

  2. What about a shot of lemon in the toddy too?

    i laughed at the Trump photograph....

    Get the British middle class to see sense? You need to take a claw hammer to them before they'll realise that their snobbery about poorer people arises from their fear of falling into the same category.

  3. Lee, Indeed. But send a nurse just in case...

    Fly, The middle classes are led by the Daily Mail.
    Honey is better than lemon as I have some....!

  4. Did you remember the whisky in that hot toddy?

  5. Mo, Rather too much...


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