Saturday 5 September 2015

Sad Saturday

In more time than it took to build the Forth Bridge I have fixed the puncture!  Indeed there is the proof!  The tale of missing spanners (that's wrench to you), wrong inner tunes, crass stupidity, trips to cycle shops, swear words even I had never heard before, and a new tyre at last it appears to be done.  I certainly have been.  In times past when I had a puncture I removed the old inner tube, inserted an awaiting good one and moved on, fixing the puncture in my own time.  This saga has filled my weary life for an eon, I just hope it is not flat in the morning or I may say something about it...
On the journey to the cycle shop by the free bus amongst a thousand kids going shopping for shiny things I cogitated on the drivers of this bus.  The journey lasts about two or three minutes depending on traffic, leaving from either stop about every twenty minutes.  The first driver appeared to have difficulty understanding the clutch, brakes and the accelerator.  The second, and the third, found it easy when parking to hit the raised pavement that enables prams and wheelchairs to climb aboard.  Today the man was so fat it was clear he had never used a Hula Hoop and his cheerless approach to the job implied he once drove buses in London.  Saturday traffic and the people he met may have hand a hand in his attitude.  Driving back and forth for a few hours may be enjoyable during the quieter periods but with millions of kids around I suspect it is less attractive.  They are all back next week to school, everyone, bar teachers, cheers!  
Today has not been good in many ways.  My technical incompetence has been a pain, even turning on the TV made it reboot itself, searching for all the channels and taking all day about it.  I lost a small cap and found it in a box, it took four attempts before I could get it out!  At Halfords as I paid for my treasure the machine printing the receipt gave up!  Just being me ruins things.  Oh yes, the cooker over light has failed also. And there was no football to speak off today.  I'm scared to switch the kettle on these days.

Tomorrow I will pray a lot harder, maybe if I spend more time with Jesus life will be more enjoyable than it has been lately. There again maybe if I had spent more time with him it would not be such a mess.  


  1. It is easy to gripe and be critical of everything and everyone ~ but the only one who suffers when we do that is ourselves. Congratulations on winning the fight with the bike!

  2. Carol, me complain? Never!

  3. You've changed the appearance of your blog! It's looking good.

  4. Mike, It was getting a bit staid. Cheers.

  5. That is a brilliant image, says it all really

  6. Mo, That's 10 Downing Street...


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