Sunday 27 September 2015

A Gloamin to Roam in...

All day I lingered indoors.  The Lurgi still lay its cold hand on my shoulder and I had no care for wandering abroad.  My passport is lost in the drawer anyway so I slunk around the home.  My ear aches as wax has built up and nothing moves it, not even the stuff that is supposed to move it.  My mood therefore has lessened from last night when I spent needless time enjoying the English suffering from a rugby defeat by Wales.  Especially as the arrogant ones were boasting of their victory before it had arrived.  The Welsh, in spite of several men being carried off injured, came from behind to win an outstanding victory, and the world rejoiced, certainly in Wales, Scotland and Ireland!  Gloating over the fall of an enemy is a bad thing but I managed to suffer that last night.  The morning papers, desperate to speak of a victory instead hunted for a scapegoat in the normal manner.  In Wales they just hunted for something to ease the hangover!

Anyway I was unable to watch Scotland crushing the USA rugby team, even though this was the first time I heard the USA had a rugby team, as I fell asleep for a long time and missed the game.  The idea of falling asleep appears a good one to me at the moment.  Tonight after damaging my eyes on the laptop I suddenly decided to go out roaming in the glaoming.  At seven the darkness had already fallen and I grabbed the wee camera and crossed the park.  Nothing special about the sunset tonight but behind was a huge glowing moon awaiting three in the morning when it turns into a 'blood moon' and excites folks world wide.  Sadly my camera failed to capture this and I have a variety of wee bright dots, some shaky, against a lot of darkness and this is somewhat unsatisfactory.  
The air was however very 'summery,' indeed almost warm, but not quite, and I wandered about looking for a sky to photograph.  A dog walker in the gloaming far off, a man with a child wondering home seen through the gloom and a light here and there in a distant window.  The peacefulness found on a Sunday evening is heightened as kids are forced to stay indoors and prepare for school tomorrow.     

The churches gathered together in the Salvation Army hall for a meeting tonight, and I was trying to picture the light in the darkness but this was all I got.  I wondered how many gathered tonight and was tempted to go myself as I could not get out again this morning.  I noticed the 'Wagon & Horses' had only four occupants as I passed, one couple and two single men.  How lonely a life when it is spent finding company in a pub on a Sunday night?  I once knew many who were like that in London. Cricklewood in the seventies was full of Irishmen who went from work to the many cafe's for a decent cheap dinner and to the pub at night as they had nothing else to do.  Irish women preferred more sophisticated men, that is non labourers, so there were many lonely Irishmen there at the time.  The pubs were always full.  London, like most cities, is one of the loneliest places in the world. 
I suspect that area once a mixture of rich and poor has now been gentrified and the poorer lads have been heaved out and houses will no longer offer 'bedsits' having been turned into expensive properties.

I limped back the way I had come, again failing to capture the moon.  This of course is the last of the four 'blood moons' that some believe herald Christs return.  This could well be the case.  In Matthew he speaks of such events, famines, earthquakes and wars before his return.  I cheered me somewhat that he will come and we will see him again.  It also made me realise how much  I must change before he comes, and I am becoming convinced we will see him ourselves!  There are many false prophets, wise people research to check the false from the real as Jesus will return, and wishes you to be waiting for him.  I hope we are all ready as this is life, in between the earache and bad knees, that nothing else can equal.



  1. I haven't been round for a week or two but I like the new look of your blog, The photos also are so atmospheric. However one of the ads blots out quite a lot of the text, it needs fixing somehow as I like to read your words!

  2. Instead of out roaming the gloaming in search of Jesus I think the better thing for you to be doing, Mr. Ad-Man is staying indoors, eating lots of healthy fresh fruits and vegetables in order to get rid of that dreaded lurgi that seems to have been hanging about far too long!

    I, for one, couldn't be bothered sitting in a pub on a Sunday night...on any night, for that matter.

  3. Jenny, Download AdBlockPlus (free) this blocks all ads and is trustworthy.

    Lee, Come and cook for me woman!

  4. Who's your woman, Mr. Ad-Man? Get her to cook for you! I'm too busy with the ironing!

  5. Well I was the last to know about the blood moon ~ I didn't get that memo or email. Rest is what you need to shake the lurgi too. And perhaps a flu shot when you recover to prevent you getting something much worse in the coming Winter.

  6. Lee, You can do mine when your finished cooking!

    Carol, I'm bound to get something worse!

  7. Arlynda talked about wanting to go out to see the eclipse last night, but that is as far as that went. I have seen several blood moons over the years, but I did not realize that they were actually eclipses. As far as "THE" blood moon to come, I am quite sure that it will be very different from what can be now seen from time to time.

  8. Jerry, This one was an eclipse, not that I would know.


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