Wednesday 16 September 2015

A Day in the Life

This is the view I am forced to endure at the moment, except that at the moment it is obscured by the rain belting down.  This rain is I understand the remnants of yet another American hurricane that they send us regularly in an effort to increase the numbers of road accidents from English drivers failing to note the rain that blocks their view from their windscreen.  Quite how so many appear ignorant of rains ability to make roads slippery, especially when leaves are beginning to fall onto them, or that it takes longer to stop when on wet roads amazes me.  It is amazing the police who have just asked people to open their eyes.  I am told 'El Ninio' or whatever it's called on the far side of the Americas is promising to send us the worst winter since 1962/3 when it was horrid, I canny say I am looking forward to that!  Anyone got a bolthole in Portugal they don't use...?

This stuff, and the honey, is rapidly running out.  It appears the 'Hot Toddy' is something to be taken occasionally and not consistently as I had misread.  Ah well I will not require any more after tonight as healing is with us and soon I will be outside again.  How can such a small thing interfere with life so much?  How can people indicate that 'dribbling' is not a new thing for me in such a sarcastic manner?  The whole museum has suffered with this and I suspect it began with one of the kids during the summer.  Bah!  At least they have to go to school in the rain!

Jeremy Corbyn had an excellent start to his public duties during Prime Ministers Question Time (PMQs) today.  By asking questions sent in by the public and mentioning their names he forced the Prime Minister to answer the question and avoid insulting the questioner, he cannot insult the public, at least in public anyway.   Corbyns attempt to have a better PMQs by speaking quietly and avoiding the childish nonsnes also worked as the PM found this difficult.  Indeed Cameron lost it when asked a reasonable question by the Scottish Nationalist Leader in the House and replied in his usual blustering arrogant Eton Prefect style to be put down very well by the SNP leader.  A good start by Corbyn although one woman asked if this meant he could not respond to the PMs answers this way, I see it as possible and if he can keep the PM acting like a decent chap he will all too often see this breaking down to Corbyns advantage.  The PM will react in fury and look bad on PMQs, this is the only parliament most people actually watch so it is important. 

The rain started hours ago and has continued non stop since.  There is nothing for it but to stop a passing jet and run off to the Riviera for a few days.  Anyone coming with me...?



  1. There's a house in Spain if you want it...but you'll need to hire a car as it is out in the sticks....Ryanair go to the airport half an hour's drive from the house and there is, it seems, car hire available there....let me know if tempted.

    If you don't feel like driving and have a friend who does...take them too. There's plenty of room.

  2. Gee! I would go with you, Mr. Ad-Man...but I've got a pile of ironing I just have to do!!!!

    There is a very light drizzle going on started during the night. I wish it would make its presence known properly and pour down rather than just muck about in a teasing way!

  3. Fly, That needs thinking about.

    Lee, Bah!

  4. Hot and humid here, situation normal, thunderstorms forecast this afternoon. Sunny and clear right now.

  5. Soub, It's no fair! Hot & humid, never around here...

  6. Hot humid, 80 degrees f in the house and I'm waiting for the air-conditioning man. Couldn't I just buy a cylinder of gas and some pressure gauges? Nope. Need a business registration to do so, it's as tied up as things were in the days of mediaeval guilds...

  7. Soub, What happened to the 'Land of the free?'


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