Saturday 25 July 2015

Saturday Pigeon Post

Football is back!
Today is the first day of Scottish football, well the wee cup began today, next week the real thing begins.  So for the first time in ages I was able to watch a proper game, until I got fed up as we knew who would win and went out for some wood glue.
Yes wood glue.
In trying to restore the door I am inserting each strut in it's rightful place, then doing it, and several others, once again.  Soon I will require to stick them down and wood glue will be useful.  However I have only reached half way and they are not keen to stay in place.
I walked away in disgust.
Nothing else happened.
I keep forgetting what day this is, a habit these days. 
There is something else I keep forgetting, but I canny mind what that is...



  1. You forgot to turn the TV on to watch the football...that's what it was!

    I'd give up on trying to fix that door if I were you! Me being me would've given up on it. I don't have the patience to fiddle around with something like that...not these days anyway. The wood will make good kindling for a fire during winter to keep you warm.

    Why you scoff at my saying you now have a walk-in wardrobe beats me! They're the "in" thing, Mr. Ad-Man! Keep up, laddy! :)

  2. Wouldn't you wood glue each one as you go, so they DON'T fall out? Don't listen to me though ~ I am woman ;)

  3. Given the world cup draw I'm wondering exactly who bribed whom....

  4. Lee, My walk in wardrobe is half shut, but still loose.

    Carol, You are a woman! If I glued them one at a time I would be covered in glue and stuck to the wall!

    Fly, Sepp Blatter!

  5. With that scoreline from Easter Road, one would be forgiven for thinking Wimbledon was still on...

  6. Well, Mr. Ad-Man...if you stuck yourself to the wall at least you'd save some dollars on having to purchase an artwork....just a thought. You could be "Whistler's Father"...just a thought...

  7. Mike, I hardly noticed that one "cough"

    Lee, I never knew Mrs Whistler.....


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