Thursday 2 July 2015

I'm Sitting on the Roof

This is my view.  I'm sitting on the roof howling at the moon.
I had to struggle to get up here, the clamber up through the trap door into the attic space was not easy without a ladder.  Once there I discovered there was no window so I had to  work my way into the loft of my neighbour and clamber through the loose tiles he does not know about, well he does now.  From there I made my way carefully, very carefully, to the gable end and forced myself up slowly hanging on the newly pointed chimney stack.  It's a bit less pointed now by the way.
So here at last I sit, howling at the moon.
The less well educated amongst you may wonder what the need for such adventure may be, the knowledgeable will understand. 
I'm old.
Today I became 64 years of age.
That's old.
As I sit on the roof my life flashes past me, well it used to flash now it dawdles and takes ages, a bit like me walking down the road.  All those years of promise, well " I promise to pay the bearer £1 or £5 or £10," as it were.  All have come to nothing.  One nameless woman on FB referred to me heartlessly as Granddad!  Another asked if the firemen had put out the fire caused by candles!!!
Woe, woe and thrice woe.
It could drive me to drink but I canny reach the 'Old Peculiar' in the fridge from here.

Woe! Woe! Woe!


  1. I will leave it to Lee to comment on the roof thing and howling at the moon. I trust it was a good day Adullaman. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday, Mr. Ad-Man! I hope you enjoyed your special day.

    Just a suggestion, it would've been easier for you to have hobbled down to the pub than clamber up onto the roof. You could've done your howling at the moon at the pub, as long as you didn't moon your fellow-imbibers...and then they'd be the ones howling at the moon!

    Enjoy your weekend...continuing celebrating...but stop that clambering and mooning!!

  3. Aye, the years must be telling on longer able to put the fridge on your back to climb up to the chimney stack....

    Never mind the candles...what was needed was a cake with 64 bottles...though the firemen would probably have disposed of those in quick order if firemen still are that which once they were...

  4. 64? Will we still love you? Will we still need you? Of course we will! Hope you had a good day, auld man. Have you collected your pension yet?

  5. Locked yourself out of the flat again--huh? Oh yeah, happy birthday!

  6. Carol, You implying Lee knows how to howl at the moon...?

    Lee, I am not sure you quite understand the use of Moon in this tale....

    Fly, 64 bottles of Lucozade are required these days...

    Mike, I knew you would make a song and dance about this...

    Jerry, Might have...

  7. Happy birthday! One consolation is surely that the moon is much older than you!
    I think you did very well to get onto the roof. Just don't take the quick way down or your life really will flash before your eyes!

  8. Jenny, What a wonderful comment! The moon older than me!

  9. I'm sure, now that you're so much older and so much wiser, Mr. Ad-Man, you'll work it out on your own without my help! :)

  10. Oh good, I see one of your commenters quoted Paul McCartney's song "When I'm 64" to you! Most would call it a Beatles song, but of course, Sir Paul wrote it when he was only 16! Bet he thought 64 was old then, but I am thinking it doesn't seem so old now to him!
    Belated happy birthday to you!

  11. Kay, It seems very old now......


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