Friday 15 May 2015

Friday Reading

Little happened today.  This was because I woke up asleep.  Until I had my siesta later in the day the mind did not work.  Then I had to saunter to the museum to pick up the reading material for the WW2 exhibition.  This will be all about the town during the war so I now have to read through all the missives from those who have recorded their memories for us.  I have six of them here to read through and this with several football matches to watch this weekend! Time is so short! 
One of our men has appeared in the 'Daily Mail' of all things.   
During the war he was evacuated to a village close by.  There he was left and lost touch with his mother. He blamed this on her having eleven kids and no money.  Edmonton in north London at the time was not a wealthy area and feeding the kids was a problem.  The 'Daily Mail' story gives the tale of how he got in touch with some distant relatives recently, the first contact since the war, and this explained much about how he was left in Essex.  
He himself handled things well and successfully lived out his life, writing a book on his adventures, and is very happily married to a lovely wife.  Dumped he may have been but he has done well, a cheery good man to meet.  

My attempts to catch a picture of the birds on the feeder has been hard work. For one thing the Starlings still annoy me, one just flew in the window instead of going the other way, bounced off the front window and squawked his way back out off the kitchen.  This has happened in the past with young birds, not adults. It must have been a she.  At least I know know a Robin has also joined the feeder queue but refuses to let me take a picture.  Standing hiding behind the fridge holding a camera for hours is not much fun I can tell you!    



  1. When you talk about trying to receive a little peck on the cheek, you are really not kidding--are you?

  2. I can see that the gentleman referred to did not suffer at the hands of counsellors, psychologists and social workers or no doubt he would have discovered that he had been traumatised and started suing Hitler for damages...

  3. I knew you had a bird hidden away in there, Mr. Ad-Man!!!

    I woke bright-eyed this morning and hit the supermarket early...a few minutes past 7 am; so I could be home again before the madding crowd descended(not that we have madding crowds up here on the hill...not where I hang out, anyway). I wanted to be home so I could leisurely while away the rest of the morning and day reading the paper. And I've just put together a chicken and vegetable curry, which is simmering away on my stove. The delicious aromas are wafting through my cabin...lunch time can't come soon enough...but it lunch will have to be patient, as will I, until the curry is cooked!

    Have a great weekend, Adullamite. :)

  4. Jerry, The birds all love me...

    Fly, He indeed had none of those and he is a strong and independent spirit.

    Lee, I'm glad you enjoyed the curry, my aged cabbage was lovely I assure you...


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