Friday 12 December 2014

A Day in Wet Loo

I thought the loo floor was damp last night.  I worried a pipe had burst and the central heating was pumping water everywhere.  A closer inspection revealed the cistern was to blame!  I contacted the lovely girls at the landlord's office and mentioned the problem.  An hour or so later John arrived to inspect, mutter "I must get some material," and go.  He was right of course, the whole thing must come out and be replaced.  This will take all day and the next opportunity for that is Tuesday,  I am glad as I will be out!  At the moment the floor is saved by the ex-ice cream tubs catching the drips and this will suffice until repair.  I offered to do it myself and got one of those looks Margaret Thatcher used on her cabinet when they spoke.  My DIY skills are not renown....  

That took up much of my day, that and hobbling down to the sorting office fifteen minutes walk away, well twenty minutes at the moment, collecting a package they tried to deliver yesterday.  The bell is broken also!  On top of this a lamp bulb went click and offered up a lovely blue flash as I switched it on, the new bulb has not taken so either it is bust also or the lamp has gone!  I add this to the list of other things that need repair, do not work right or are dead.  I've just noticed the cupboard door I fixed the other day has once more fallen apart.

Sometimes I am glad I left the health service all those years ago.....



  1. A loo for that's one present I would never have thought of.....

  2. You sound like you're having as good a time as I am at the moment, Adullamite. Oh! Joy to the world!

    These things are sent to try us so the saying goes...and try us they do! That's why doonas come in handy and look so inviting, so often! ;)

  3. Well, it is good of you to let the very young get a head-start on securing gainful employment.

  4. Fly, It's only for those who are going down the pan.

    Lee, Tried and found guilty!

    Jerry, It keeps them off the streets.


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