Sunday 31 August 2014

Weekend is Over

Well that's another weekend over.
Nothing much happened.
I coughed a lot, slept a lot watched football a lot.
The Heart of Midlothian won as usual, the Hibernian lost as usual, both bringing a smile to the heart.
The news was weak, a child taken from a hospital by the parents became major news as nothing important was happening elsewhere.  A typical weekend false headline.  
The number of blogs I looked at was amazing, although most of them were through Bloggers 'Next Blog' button and therefore the viewing lasted less than a few seconds.  So many  blogs fill the web and half of them have been left unattended for four or five years!  A salutary reminder that words placed on the web remain there.
I failed to find any to add to my friends list here and at least I did manage to read all of them. Blogs have many purposes and it is rather sad that so many are forgotten.  On more than one occasion I have begun to read a good blog and discovered the date, when it could be discovered, was years out of date, rather like the milk in my fridge!  It must be said reading the milk in my fridge can be more enjoyable than some of the blogs out there.  

Today is the last day of August.  September begins tomorrow, the year is almost over and the Christmas stuff will begin to fill the shops.  How time flies when your having fun......




  1. It's already the first day of September here...and I forgot to way "White Rabbits"...I did say it yesterday morning, though because I thought it was the first day of September! Perhaps it might work...

    Spring has now commenced Down Under...winter has gone for another year; and another year has almost gone!

    Have a good week, Adullamite. :)

  2. Great cartoons.

    Sometimes when I think of giving up on my blog, I remember all the blogs I have seen that nothing has been posted on them for several years and it just seems sad. So, I keep going!

  3. Lee, Spring has Sprung? I can tell by the rain here...

    Kay, You have plenty to say for a while yet! Keep going!

  4. Alas, if only there was a site that regularly featured sites that might be of interest to others...

  5. No way did I weigh the white rabbits...just in case you're wondering! ;)

  6. Another bah humbug day then. Best news would be if all politicians took a rocket ship to mars or somewhere equally far away. Their inability to get anything right lately is quite incredible

  7. Jerry, I canny think of any....

    Lee, no, you just ate them!

    Mo, Politicians to Mars,hmmmm....


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