Saturday 12 July 2014

Roman in the Glo...Museum....

For the 'Festival of Archaeology' we dug up some Romans today.  Bits of tile, pots and beads and stuff abounded.  Slides of Ephesus, weaving & cooking Roman style (not at the same time) and the chance to build a town from Roman style houses.  The 'flint lady' arrived also and found many friends among the young.

Our Roman Auxiliary placed helmets on kids heads, this they thought heavy until they tried the chain mail vest!  This weighs 25 kilo's and enabled them to stand still afraid to move!  Lovely to see.  These two had a lovely time, as had I wearing a toga and declaiming to the masses.  The masses I must say remained unmoved.  The masses may not have turned out today, the town was very quiet, but those that came, including two of Houston's finest, enjoyed their ambling about the place.  Kids were supposed to make their own Roman style house and contribute this to our plan of the Roman town. Most took theirs home so the town is more like a village tonight. 

I had a small taste of the cooks Roman bread and was won over!   I will not look out a recipe and burn my own.  It tasted fabulous and while some say the diet was rich I see all that fruit as healthy.  That is if they could afford the rich foodstuffs. Roman plebs lived of the free handout of flour did they not?  Not much date sauce around their houses.  

Anyway, this guy found my usual seat.....



  1. Sounds like you had a fabulous day pretending to be a Roman ~ did you decide which you liked best ~ soldier, caesar or pleb?

  2. Free bread! And, in a way, a circus...where is the 'selfie' of yourself in a toga?

  3. Carol, It was indicated to me, quite often as it happens, that 'pleb' was indeed mys status in this society.....

    Fly, It was indeed a circus. The picture of me in a toga accidentally got wiped!

  4. You look great in your new museum uniform, Mr. Ad-Man. It's all in the legs.

    Don't go to bed in it though...danger ahead! ;)

  5. How did you get away with wearing your knee-britches under your kilt?


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