Sunday 22 June 2014

Sunday Sloth

I may have solved the T-shirt problem at last.  Having bought three which were size XXXL and worn and washed two of them I note the shrinkage is such that they are almost still XXXL but just a teeny wee bit shrunk.  Allowing for future washes I consider these three will now serve as the correct size!  The pile of too small t-shirts will soon be dumped on the charity shops, un-ironed! 
How can buying one item take such a long time to fix?  OK I could spend money on expensive t-shirts with stupid designs on the front but I am not 19 any more, that passed at least six years ago.  It seems to me many of those will not remain the same size after a weeks wearing and a wash either.  Those wee Bangladeshi's are earning fourpence a day for this and still cannot get the size right!  

In other news I am still zonked, energy of mind and body does not exist.  In spite of the hot sun I only ventured out for half an hour, and much of that was gossip with a neighbour, her gossip my concern for others you understand.  A quick wander round and I was back half dead.  All this work, all this late night football, how my bones feel it.  I had to curb the eleven o' clock game as I had work next day, now I just miss it and sleep instead.  I fear it is age as well as the bug.  

What has happened in the world outside?  I care not at the moment.  But those who wish to better understand the previous post concerning 'Just a Minute,' would do well to pop over to Soub and see the programmes he has discovered. You may well like these.



  1. That is my cat at the moment ~ sleeping in an empty box ~ ready for moving house. Sorry to hear you are unwell ~ overexposure to futbol. I think you can get a pill for that ~ even if you can't get a T-shirt. Your Summer looks gorgeous. Our Winter days are gorgeous too.

  2. At the end of this coming fortnight, I, too, will be a weary wreck, just like you, Adullamite.

    With Wimbledon about to begin; and you guys up there still not taking into consideration us poor tennis-lovers down here - the matches, starting at night and going through until the wee small hours and more, will suck the life out of me...but I will endure! I will survive! I will make it through to the end...until the last ball is hit over the net!!

    It pleases me you have solved, or almost solved your t-shirt dilemma. Never let it be said that you are a giver-inner!

    I think you need a few good feeds of liver and bacon, steak and more steak with lots of leafy green vegetables to build up your iron supply! (And I don't mean your electric irons, you silly man)! Take care.

  3. Let's see, 19+6=196. Wow, you really are old! If it makes you feel any better, I don't think you are as decrepit as Jerry says, though.

  4. Cazz, I'm so tired........Cats meanwhile never change.

    Lee, Tennis? That's not important....

    Arlynda, I am not old! Jerry however is....

  5. Be assured that I don't like it at all when He gives her good lines and then she brags about it. No, I do not believe that boasting in the Lord pertains to that. I have asked to make sure, but all I get back is a snicker. Sigh.


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