Tuesday 25 March 2014

Stupid Week.

Stupid week continues apace.  It never seems to end and I suspect it will continue on, possibly for ever! I indicated to a woman at the museum this morning that she was incorrect in saying that her relative was on the war memorial.  Her insistence almost convinced me but I remained adamant that I was right, I mean I usually take the correct opinion do I not......what? Oh!
Anyway after she left I realised I was wrong.  I was doing things alphabetically but putting 'M' after 'N,' Thus ensuring that her man was not there.  It is clear   the dementia has either started or I am suffering one of those bugs again. The lady however will be returning with info regarding here ancestor and offering them to the museum for the exhibition later this year.  However there are in fact two persons with the same name, only one of which was put on the memorial, which one I wonder?
Stupid week continued when I took for ever to count £30 cash.  One of those women who must be obeyed was muttering things as I did this, you know how they go on, I was just trying to find my mind but am failing terribly there. Can it be age, I'm only 24.

The lass I practiced my stupidity on discussed a lot of things with me while she browsed our bookshelves, one was telling her eight year old how lucky he was when watching adverts for hungry children.  Poor wee lad is too young to appreciate what he was looking at but will learn in time.  It made me remember how lucky I am to have what I possess.  The good Lord could have had me born in India, Africa, Syria or Vietnam.  I could have endured war, hunger or a variety serious wrongs, but most of my woes come from me, not others.  Jesus called to me when I cared nothing for him, cared for me when my life was in danger and has provided all that I have now, yet I still remain ready to grumble? One visitor today could not speak or walk properly, a young lad who had suffered terrible damage, possibly from assault, and is lucky to be able to still get around.  How many of those like that I saw in the NHS who are dead today?  

Of course I will still find something to moan about.



  1. Would there really have been something to be gained by proving the woman wrong about her relative being listed on a war memorial? Yes, there is something to say for being as accurate as possible when it comes to honoring heroes, but some battles would be better left unfought.

  2. Good Lord...and women were put upon this earth to torment you, only you! Keep your chin up and take it like a man! ;)

    Don't worry, Adullamite - I have stupid days and weeks quite often (I'm not going to tell you how often)!

    I've just discovered today must be one of my stupid days....because I wrote the above hours ago, but failed to click on the "Publish Your Comment"

    The proof is in the pudding, as they say! ;)

  3. Jerry, You must remember I am always RIGHT, whatever the facts may be......

    Lee, It's a conspiracy I tell thee!!!!
    You don't have stupid days, I don't believe that.

  4. Your post made me think how lucky we are to have (mostly) come out of the other side of our own stupidities earlier in life. Like that 17 year old girl in America who was besotted with a horrible youth and they killed a policeman and then they both died. If things had been just a bit different she might have had a harmless rebellion and been able to fulfil her potential, sounds like she wasn't normally the kind of girl to get caught in that kind of thing.
    You've got me wondering now about the letters of the alphabet though. And I clearly remember I used to be able to do long division with hundreds, tens and units, so why is it so hard now?

  5. From my working experience 'facts' vary according to the person recording them...

  6. Jenny, Lack of practice is what is wrong with the counting. However my long division used to go over the page, much to teachers annoyance!

    Fly, You have mixed with too may political or leading people I think young lady.

  7. I like that saying ~ Stupid Week ~ I might need to add that one to my vocabulary.

  8. Carol, You never need to use that phrase.


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