Wednesday 5 March 2014

Now I'm not one to complain but....

Why I ask, when something works perfectly well, do we need some cretinous minded lout coming along and 'improving things?'  The BBC website is one such example.  Having moved into new Manchester, sorry, Salford, studios it has been decided to 'upgrade' the excellent BBC website in keeping with the new layout in Salford and BBC London.  This means the football pages are full of white space and absurd yellow banners, meaningless unrelated content is pinned for weeks where it is not wanted and required content is not always easy to find.  The 'upgrade' to the BBC iPlayer has gone the same way. The screen above is the 'simple' layout some fourteen year old geek has offered us, and as you will expect it does not quickly lead to the sought after item. WHY can 'designers' not design things to be simple enough for stupid people to operate rather than fancy enough for someone who will only admire the layout and not actually have to use it?

There now follows a few minutes quite as I lie on the floor chewing the ends of the rug.

When I got this laptop it came equipped with 'Windows 7,' while before I used 'XP.'  'XP' was excellent and gave me all I required, it also allowed me to use the 'Outlook' Mail service which is far better than 'Windows Live,' a system that fails to live up to its name!  However someone somewhere insisted on changing things, needlessly!  Bah!  

Google Maps have done this also!  The old system was perfect and I used this often.  Now the thing is not straight forward, lists appear at the side unwanted, the wee man will not land on the street chosen, the tools are useless, pictures arise from the bottom for no reason and 'my location' does not work yet the location is there on the absurd space taking list at the top left!   I click on the map to move it and the address, with picture, appears at the top left.  I don't want it!  If I want a picture I will ask for one! Just give me the map!  This is a needless and failing upgrade!  Go back to the old system Google!!!!

Now look, that rug is frayed at the edges.....



  1. If you had over 20,000 people to keep busy, you would come up with some "make work" projects as well.
    Trouble is there seems to be no feedback loop less your comments of dislike which, as far as I can tell, are read only by me so far.
    But I am happy that someone out there is up to the minute ,or day, so to speak .

  2. I empathise, Adullamite! Perhaps we could sew our rugs together to make one. I have a few here in similar conditions to your own.

    It really makes me cranky when things are changed for no good, obvious reason! Why some idiot has to change things about just to keep himself in a job or boost his ego I have no idea!

    I'm also having a quiet grumble to myself here at the moment over something. I won't go into details...other than to say, I won't need to cook myself any lunch today...there's only a little bit of my other rug left!

    I'm not one to complain, either....

  3. I hadn't realised until today that Bad King John had Scottish descendents.....

    But how I agree with you!
    It seems inevitable that something which is simple and works will be transformed into something the cat brought in by people who think that doing something, nomatter what, is a good thing...

    Off to find a rug to chew...

  4. I agree with the Windows Live issue - it's change for changes sake. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  5. Goatman, I found a Twitter area to comment on, and got no reply! I think the complaints have made them ignore that! You are right about the 20,000!

    Lee, You don't strike me as one who ever complains....And the rug is almost through now!

    Fly, I suspect a rug salesman will be along soon.....

  6. Mike, I hate to think what Windows 8 is all about!

  7. Take your tongue out of your cheek, Adullamite; or I'll start complaining in earnest! ;)


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