Thursday 27 February 2014

Watching Paint Dry.

Yesterday the chill in the air was softened by the blue in the sky.  Daffodils lowered their bright yellow heads in the wind, bright 'cotton wool' clouds scudded by, dogs chased imaginary objects yapping in the park.  I awoke this morning to rain lashing the grubby windows, the huddled masses cowering under hoods, caps and umbrellas as they headed to work and the decision to stay indoors and finish the painting was made for me.  

That was not long after seven of the clock and moving at a fast pace I was up and painting by ten thirty five.  A second coat of cheap white emulsion in the small bathroom, a first coat on the small hall.  The balancing on the three step ladder is improving and I only fell off once.  That wall was getting painted anyway!  The ceiling looks good now even though my sense of direction failed me several times.   Even better it looks good enough not to require a second coat, which is good as there is little paint left.  In the morning all the pictures will be put back on those nails you see sticking out, once the grime is removed from them, and life can return to some sort of normality.  
The normality means returning to building that PC.  Now that most bits are in and connected I have come across yet another problem, the not connected bits, the connected bits that may be connected to wrong bits, and why is there no connector for one or two bits?  All very confusing to my befuddled mind. Now the paint is no longer bespotting my glasses I can spend more time watching how the experts do it.  If they have the same bits I have, naturally.  

The clouds returned at several times today.  I ventured out for bread as another dark looming cloud brought spots of rain but it did allow me this shot.  The type of shot we get a lot of at this time of year.  It might yet be a shot of snow tomorrow if my aches allow me out!  



  1. You are to be commended, Adullamite! I'm proud of you. Take time out on the weekend...and have a rest. Enough work done for this week!

  2. That is a superb final photograph....I do hope that you don't get snow tomorrow.

  3. You are good ~ I don't paint on wet days ~ the paint doesn't dry. Nice storm clouds.

  4. In theory I know that one blue sky is much like another, but somehow your picture of blue sky and clouds touched me, it looks like the sky over the Garden of Eden!

  5. Lee, I will be relaxing indeed this weekend, apart from the things that must be done....

    Fly, Cold rain today, no snow. The 'Northern Lights' were seen last night. In fact they were so far south a woman not far from here got a picture of them! Even the lights are moving south!

    Carol, I slept inside a paint tin last night I can tell you! The cheap paint dries quick, the stink remains.

    Jenny, Aye indeed. I noticed it as I came over the park. The clouds above and the view into the distance as the deep blue lightens stuck in my mind. It came out quite well.

  6. What are you going to call your painting? What about Gothic Smudge?

  7. I call it 'Work of a Craftsman!'


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