Saturday 8 February 2014

Cheap Paint on Kitchen Walls...

Kitchen ceiling, kitchen floor, kitchen sink, cooker, washing machine, kitchen window, me....... 
So glad it's just a wee kitchenette....



  1. I am known a few Matts, but never a Matt Emulsion.

    I do love painting walls etc though.

  2. Carol, Good! Come and do my east wing! :)

  3. Cheap doesnt mean bad when it comes to paint. Some of the best paint we ever had was from Woolworths, best colours too. In fact we saved the 15 year old pot and used it to repaint the front door last year, perfect paint and a beautiful shade compared with the Dulux stuff.

  4. You'll probably need some Deep Heat. Dencorub or similar by the time you finish your chore, Ada-fella...and perhaps even a massage. Maybe just a hot bath or shower instead of the massage...

  5. Carol...Matt Emulsion is the cousin of Jet Propulsion who, because he had a compulsion for destruction, suffered expulsion from the family unit; which caused him much revulsion. It was unfair because Jet couldn't help his convulsion.

  6. Curses, Carol stole my idea!

  7. Guffaw ~ ROFL @ Lee ~ where do you get this stuff. I know a Jet Black, is he related to Jet Propulsion?

    Come on Jerry, join in :)

  8. Jenny, 15 years! Good paint that. I reckon we always used Woolies in days of yore.

    Lee, A massage, I'm waiting.....

    Lee, MATT is the type of paint, it is NOT his name!

    Jerry, I refer you to Lee's answer!

    Carol, Paint is not an aircraft!!!!!

  9. Awww...poor acting like an animal because he got matt not enamel!

    And, no, Carol; but Jet Black is distantly related to Jack Black from the outback. Jack Black lives in a wooden shack along a bush track. Alack,Jack is a bit slack; he sleeps in a gunnysack. The feedback is he had a bit of a panic attack!

  10. Lee, I thought that was Jack of All Trades. He might come in handy with the painting.

  11. No, Carol...because Jack of all trades' life was a series of charades it was discovered he was a master of none, Henceforth he was forced to wear shades and his hair in braids even when privately visiting the arcades at the Cascades.

    He had no fun; and nothing could be done until he hit a home run when asked to be a hired gun.

    Despite our delight, perhaps Adullamite might think our behaviour not to be alright.

    In hindsight,I don't feel contrite because you and I are all sweetness and light; but to set things right with our Man of Might we could ask him to become our armour-clad knight.

    In case he takes fright and before I take flight, I wish you, Jack, Jet, Matt and Adullamite a "Good night!"

  12. You have obviously lost control of this discussion, my dear Adullamite. Take it back forthwith or face expulsion from the Royal Union of Manly Men (RUMM)!

  13. Jerry, I was locked in another room waiting for them to stop. I thought it wiser than interfering. I was following the RUMM advice, see page 687 of the code book.

  14. I stand corrected. I suppose this means that you will be receiving another medal for valor--huh?

  15. I still await the first! You know the one I ought to receive for saying 'No' to a woman!

  16. Hilarious. Page 687 ha ha.


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