Wednesday 15 January 2014

Nothing Happened Again....

Nothing happened again!  Just as well as I felt lousy all day and ate almost nothing.  The skies were gray, occasional rain fell, the streets are damp and the above represents the brightest spot!
Nothing happened, except one of the tiles I put back on the wall fell off again.
The dust settled happily on everything,
The dwelling stinks so I open the window and the cold goes through, I shut the window and it stinketh.  There is a problem in such old houses with a kind of mustiness that comes from ageing timbers and things under the floorboards and in the roof, I think a small damp spot has arrived high up also.  I need to climb up inside and look around, I will know doubt fall through the ceiling when I do!  
The market was even more boring than ever as so many stall take the month off.  Some of these poor hard up stallholders disappear to Hawaii or Guam to sun themselves while we suffer.  No doubt one or two will be grumbling in Australia also.  
The papers were boring, George Osborne talking tough is boring and meaningless, PMQs a waste of time, and no-one has done my ironing yet! Where are all the women I ask?
Boring, gray, sick, weary........


  1. Does housekeeping tend to linger around your exhibit in the museum? If not, they probably should.

  2. Yeah...they're all grumbling here in the great land Down Under because they lost The Ashes...and are still losing the one day matches. They should've all saved their money and stayed home and whinged in the cold while picking the bones out of their kippers! ;)

  3. No one ever does my ironing!! I sometimes think that ironing is a pointless task! Happy Days.

  4. Oh A-man ~ you poor baby. Are you sick? Do you need a holiday in the sun? Have you ever thought about emigrating? You no longer need to steal a loaf of bread to get sent down here. You certainly wouldn't have to iron your shorts to lie in the sun and soak up the Vitamin D.
    P.S. We have had 5 days of steady rain.

  5. I certainly don't miss having to check for slipping tiles, damp spots on the walls and wonder whether I dare air the house in winter....

  6. Make sure there are no mushrooms growing under the floorboards and I hope tomorrow is better.

  7. Jerry, Can I remind you I am NOT an EXHIBIT at the museum!!!

    Lee, When Englishmen grumble it is time to smile.

    Alan, It's a crime I tell thee!!!

    Carol, Do you mean I have been stealing bread for nothing? 5 Days of rain while Grace in Perth has 40% of sun? I believe you not! Now what shall I do with all this bread?

    Fly, I understand, but don't do it often....

    Jenny, I am looking for mushrooms as we speak!

  8. Perth and the southern states have absolutely been experiencing a heat wave. Terrible bush fires in the Perth hills. Melting soles of tennis shoes in a Melbourne etc. but up here, we have indeed had 5 days of rain and my backyard looks like a jungle. I am a bit scared of venturing out there to clear it. Get better soon A-man ~ put your bread with some chicken noodle broth ~ that will fix you.

  9. Carol, I feel good today. It's funny how well you feel once you eat properly! Sad about the rain, it will be over us for the next few days again, how we miss it when it is not here..... Strange how different areas suffer a mere two thousand miles apart...


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