Wednesday 18 December 2013

Waiting, Waiting.....

On Tuesday morning as I ventured out to my museum duties I found a card from 'Parcelforce' informing me he had attempted to deliver on Monday at '16:12' and had ticked the 'We will endevour to deliver tomorrow' box.  Why I missed him I know not, maybe I was engrossed in a book or listening to something cultural on the wireless?  As it was Tuesday and shortly before 10 am I was unable to wait his return and left hoping he may not arrive until I got home.  Today I was awake by 5:30, in the morning that is, and shortly afterwards rose and shone in my usual style, if that is what that is called.  I decided to wait around for the man delivering today, just in case he did, but after a while i got fed up and went to Tesco's instead.  If I knew what was being delivered I would be happier but this is a Christmas surprise, probably a bundle of legal documents from someone suing me for something said on here!  He never showed today, and I contacted them through the website and now expect to wait for hours tomorrow until he shoves a card through my door and vanishes.  I know these people work at Christmas, I've been there, but always nicely.....

Having used all the Tesco vouchers I came home clutching a bag of reduced items and stuffed a cupboard with them.  I now have more food than an entire Syrian refugee camp!  Isn't it difficult to eat another slice of cheap cake when the telly shows pictures of starving children wearing thin clothes while snow falls around them and dinner is unavailable.  I canny look!  There again I get annoyed that the UK sends aid but I find myself asking how much aid comes from the rich Arab nations, especially Saudi and Quatar who started this war? If it were possible to send £5 now to feed a family I could do it, but how much gets through, why do others not send more, and will the starving children be fed or some Islamic Extremist?  Now I distrust so many charities and I suspect many others do also which means these kids will see less aid not more.  For myself I think I will once again support Tear Fund, I used to do this for years, a fiver a week when poor and more if I had it, as they work on the ground and I believe most gets through.  I must look into it again as I stopped when unemployed.  

Putting 'Agitprop' aside I ventured out again to Tesco this time to browse the non food items upstairs.  I was not buying just checking the prices for when the sale items appear!  In fact some were reduced already.  Since Woolworths went bust Tesco have taken their place as the shop that has the odds and ends you need.  Of course one or two Asian types run similar, and in some ways better, such shops where almost everything required once in a lifetime can be found, a 'Poundland' impersonator also operates but is rubbish really.  Where would we be without a place that sells cocktail sticks and cheap pots?  I had forgotten this was market day.  Every Wednesday the stalls arrive, spend hours erecting themselves, proffer their goods, then spend hours dismantling the shop, a lot of needless work if you ask me!  Why not do what one man has done and use a van? He has a large van which he has turned into a mobile barbers shop.  Not really sure why he comes here as there as plenty of those already, 'Chris & Jim's' at the 'Manor Street Barbers' being the best.  A large van as used by the fishmonger is easier to lay out, shows the goods and saves effort.  Admittedly some goods would not fit but my laziness would make them!  

As always at this time of year several dafties spend thousands covering their houses with fairy lights.  Some huge displays brighten the streets to the delight of the kiddies and more so the energy companies.  Me, I think their daft!  That is not what Christmas is about.  However it gives them a laugh, a wee bit of public attention, and money goes to a charity somewhere.  I still don't think much of it, especially after the 25th!  They say that one street around here has every house lit up, mine would stand out if I moved in, just a black sign reading 'Bah! Humbug!' would show. This couple do it right.  One or two wee things to add a splash of cheer but not too much.  Now I am going to blow out the candle as it is too bright in here, almost Christmassy, and we don't want that do we?



  1. After getting our pups settled down from having their minds blown by the ringing of our doorbell, I looked out to see a UPS delivery truck carefully making its way down our ice-covered street. The first time I looked, I did not see where anything had been left for us, but around 30 minutes later, I was encouraged to take a closer look, which is when I saw an express envelope stuck in a small drift of snow under our mail box. It happened to be from the current holder of our home mortgage wanting us to refinance. BAA-HUMBUG!

  2. Jerry, They think of you at Christmas! :)

  3. Legal documents? I'm your (wo) English, French or Spanish you can count on me to gook their gobblede...

    Lovely to read the word Agitprop again....

  4. Fly, Sadly the legal stuff has yet to arrive. Agitprop came to mind for some reason, maybe I should go and sit outside an embassy somewhere.

  5. What a nice neighbour ~ to take your delivery for you.

    I thought you might enjoy this news article from Canberra this week ~ home of the World Record for Christmas lights.

  6. Adullaman ~ I just wanted to leave a message for Jerry. I spent my rainy yesterday at home reading ALL his Fishhawk Droppings online. Jerry ~ I was fascinated with your journey, and it was a really interesting and personal read. Thank you!

  7. Thank you so very much, my dear Carol! I am sitting here with an embarrassed grin on my face, however. For I spent another 3-4 hours yesterday evening feeling quite sorry for myself on account of so very many having so very little interest in what our Heavenly Father has given me to say (albeit merely to help me realize that I have been woefully deceived) while there He had you reading it. Be assured that no one has ever been in greater need of His grace than I.

  8. Carol, lock them up!

    Carol, Am I a switchboard?

    Jerry, Get a room you two!


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