Saturday 23 November 2013

Saturday Shopping?

Another morning in the Museum shop saw the beginning for Christmas shopping.  Our cards are ready, our shelves stacked, and I only took around £15 this morning!  Not only that but few wished to discuss History of some type and on top of this by the time I got home I missed the first half of the football!  Tsk!  However it was a good morning  as the people were on the whole decent, chatty, and friendly while nothing much went wrong.  This was good as only two of us were in and the bosses hiding themselves this weekend.  The football I missed was rotten also, being Hibernian it would be as you would realise but tired and weary as I was after this the veg would not turn up at my door so out I trek to the market.  With typical results, the veg man was not there, either he has given up, taken sick or gone home early, which is most unlike him. This meant I had to endure Tesco veg stall on a Saturday afternoon.  This was bad enough but as I forced my way through the throng the pressure was made worse by the adolescents running about being well, adolescent.  A Community Police officer was haranguing them outside, and indeed inside at one point, unfortunately he was not armed with a pump action shotgun, a great mistake in my view.  Banning the birch was a mistake I say!  Back home I was so exhausted I almost forgot to tune into the late football show on BBC Alba.  That at least was worth watching. Now I intend to sleep all day tomorrow. 



  1. Brilliant cartoons / Meme. What type of museum is it Adullaman? Shopping at Tescos sounds horrendous. Did you manage to find any veg? And I concur, there are some Sundays after a week if teenagers when I could/ do sleep the whole day away. Got for it!!

  2. Now that's what I call a very worthy, useful Christmas tree!!!

    Do you start at the top and work your way down; or start at the bottom and work your way up. Probably the former, then you wouldn't have very far to fall after a non-stop wine-tasting!

  3. I recognise that brain...I used to keep a note pad by the bed for its views at three in the morning...

  4. Carol, The museum is a small local museum where I spend one or two days making mistakes!

    Lee, I knew an Aussie would like it!

    Fly, Three in the morning, the thinking time!


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