Thursday 17 October 2013


British Gas increased their prices by over 8% today.  An announcement everybody knew was coming.  My new bill arrived the other day and at the bottom they happily display where the money goes.  It is listed in such a way as to imply the 7% marked as 'Profit' appears a small amount of the total.  Considering that in the past few years the percentage of profit has risen from 2% to 7% I begin to feel we are being robbed!  Companies require profit, money is needed for investment and correct wages, this is not wrong.  However we all know that in spite of rising Gas prices, running costs and legitimate salaries, the whole thing is robbery!  I need not mention the £10 million given to the retiring chairman in case you boak!  As many are struggling to survive now how will they cope with a cold winter?  For far too many the choice is heat or eat, this will make things worse for many, and these will often be people with jobs.  What makes all this worse in the Tory answer to the difficulty.  "Switch supplier," says David Cameron and his energy minister. Fine, we will do that and be charged just as much there.  
The truth is the smug Conservative Party have allowed privatisation an open door to line their pockets no matter the cost to the rest of us.  Labour may grumble but the m have little idea what to do.  I know what to do, NATIONALISE all energy companies, put them to work for all of us, not just themselves! 


  1. I've prepared my banner for the march!

    Thanks for the link the other day, have spent some time going through their recommendations. The company I am leaving has just sent me the nicest email to try and get me back. Bloody crooks.

  2. It's scandalous. Great rant though!

  3. Fly, Apparently they had an online Q&A Twitter session today. Hundreds offered abuse!

    Mo, I am making mine now, a warm one.

    Mike, From the heart. They care nothing for the people!

  4. They are all so full of hot air they should find means to harness that, and everyone would be fine...and warm!

    There's enough hot air to warm the nation!

  5. Makes your blood boil, the rich get richer and the poor suffer. Same old story.

  6. Lee, You are not the first to think this.

    Alan, It will continue for some time.


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