Monday 28 October 2013

A Good Dying Day!

For days they have been on TV and Radio informing us of the impending storm. The papers of course were hoping for another 'Hurricane' such as blew through in 1987, it did not arrive.  What did arrive was a storm indeed, houses were damaged, tall vehicles turned on their sides, trees fallen over, trains halted because of, "leaves in the line, attached to the tree," shop fronts damaged and lots of rain hammering into the already sodden earth.  Sadly at least four people were killed, two of them quite young.  
The media reports were desperate to build this up into a howling gale equal to 87, the fact that it failed did not stop the large pictures and hyped up reports. Certainly the wind reached 79 miles an hour around here this morning, it did make a mess of my hair, however little real damage occurred overall.  In the afternoon however I noted the remarkable clear sky.  The sun shining at an angle gave a very clear light.  The gale had stopped the Sainsbury's heavy lorries running around, the road traffic was lessened and aircraft were not landing at nearby Stansted. All this contributed to a clear sky along with the wind clearing the air and leaving an interesting sparkling light.  I attempted to capture this with my wee camera but it was not easy as no decent subject showed itself.  However the owl on top of the aged drinking fountain in the town did reflect the light brightly and the sky behind was a lovely blue.  It was the best I could do in the circumstances.  The drenched bench did not quite work.
It strikes me as unusual that this is almost November and the temperature is still mild.  Does this indicate the winter will be harsh from next month on I wonder?  Lasting until April probably? It may be the jet stream moving south may give us a mild winter, I hope so, just to annoy the energy people!

The title?  In Edinburgh such 'storms' are referred to as "A good drying day," by the housewifes.



  1. Where I come from a bit of a wind like this is a regular occurrence. However you are right the media needs a drama. On the other hand we must take note of what we are doing to create weather changes through global warming and outr lack of care for our environment

  2. I called my mother to see how she was getting on...
    That Michael Fish should be shot
    was the reply...

  3. I never complain if a bad weather warning doesn't live up to the predictions.

    If the public weren't warned and devastation occurred, they'd really have something to complain about; and they do, long and loudly.

    If we are warned that danger is imminent, to be prepared; batten down the hatches etc., and the storm/cyclone/hurricane isn't as bad as it was thought it might be, then I'm very thankful...for both the warnings and that the storms or whatever turned out not to be as vicious as predicted.

    This happened here today. Bad storms were predicted for this afternoon in the south-east Queensland area. I live in south-east Queensland.

    A couple of storms hit, but they weren't bad...not here where I live, anyway; I've not yet heard about other areas how they fared.

    But I still did a few things...just in case...better to be safe than sorry...

  4. Mo, It does appear the jet stream has moved south. This brought us the early rain and this storm. It usually heads further north over Norway, where bad weather belongs!

    Fly, I love your mother!

    Lee, Always prepare for the worst! Folks complain far too easily, unlike me myself...

  5. It certainly is remarkably warm for the time of year. I hadn't registered that it is nearly November. Well, I had, in a way. But in another way I still haven't managed to say goodbye to summer! Well, seems like I'd better start....


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