Wednesday 9 October 2013

A Boring Picture...

That, says you, is a boring picture.  Aye, agrees me, but I like it.  I like it because the sky in the background looked good, the autumnal trees show their colours and it shows that I was once again wandering across the park.  It has been almost three weeks since I done this.  Three weeks since what some women call a 'wee chill,' and all men agree is a serious bout of 'Man-Flu,'  laid me low and ruined my life.  It's ridiculous that something that used to come and go in three days takes almost three weeks now.  Can it be the virus is changing, or is it my health failing?  The muck that fills the skies unseen cannot be doing us any good, it also may well be changing the way virii adapt.  What a great difference a day makes.  Yesterday I attended the museum but was far from awake.  I sat there staring into space rather than doing anything, disturbed only when a few stragglers entered.   I was glad it was quiet, but the museum needs visitors.  Today however I was almost alive and raced out slowly to peruse the market and keep my cash in my pocket.  I did however notice a lass drop a bit paper.  As I arrived on the spot it turned into a £5 note, this meant running at least seven steps to catch up with her. I still have not recovered!  

In an attempt to find a prettier picture I ventured out this afternoon, eyes peeled for enticing sights.  Sadly few appeared under this ever darkening gray sky.  However the falling leaves can produce interesting pictures, however whether this is one is debatable.  

As luck would have it the foto opportunities enlarged as a poor soul required aid from the first response unit.  This has parked in the bay as he ought but the following ambulance just stopped in the centre of the road.  Probably a woman driver I would conclude myself.  The traffic behind may grumble as it is impossible to pass, but most will accept this.  Hopefully the patient will survive, the trip to the nearest hospital is fifteen miles away!  However in spite of the Tories desperate attempts to sell the NHS to their friends it exists still and the cut down ambulance service still manages to save lives in spite of them. Sometimes we forget just how lucky we are to have an ambulance at the other end of a phone.  We take such benefits for granted, benefits not always available, nor so efficient, elsewhere. 



  1. We have the Red Cross.....and in some of the up country places they can be coming from a long way away....but we still have an NHS.

  2. I don't find that photo in the least big boring.

    Our health care is good as is our ambulance service; and the wonderful Flying Doctor Service is a godsend to those in rural and outback areas.

    There are complaints, at times, of course...what are humans if they can't complain?

  3. Fly, Hmmm I bet it's better than ours! No Tories!

  4. I suppose I may very well be a bore. For that first shot appealed to me immensely.

  5. The government are trying to privatise it.....

  6. Lee, The Flying Doctor, what a great idea!

    Jerry, Two of you like the pic, I'm better than I thought.

    Fly, Ha!

  7. A little light reading for you, Adullamite...

  8. Yes, I am always thankful too that I do not live in the Britain of 75 years ago that I sometimes think the present govt is trying to return us to. you couldn't just call an ambulance then either.
    This "man flu" of yours might be similar to a bug that was going round here a few months ago that went on for b**** weeks and weeks. I hope you feel better soon.

  9. Jenny, Thanks for your bug! RoyalMail has gone, NHS follows.


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