Sunday 29 September 2013

London Observed

The above photograph was taken by a sweet young photographer a wee while ago.  You will realise that this picture came to her 'eye' as she wandered that area of London made famous by the 'Jack the Ripper'murders of the late Victorian age.  Jack has of course been named since the murders took place, named about fifteen times but so far no-one has produced conclusive proof, yet they still try.  Any way this barber/hairdresser had the right idea.  I have in mind a chip shop or fishmonger also can be found there, 'Jack the Kipper,' but I may be confused.

Anyway, Steph, the young lass who is the photographer has an excellent blog with a great many wonderful pictures called 'Little London Observationalist,' and I think you ought to peruse this. Now her talent has been awarded with an opportunity to show her pictures for a week in a gallery.  Naturally she is excited about this and naturally she requires cash to get the thing on the road.  Naturally I have deleted her. 

However those of you who like pictures of London, and not just the usual run of the mill stuff, may well enjoy forcing yourselves to look at her results.  The 'arty' types will enjoy much of what is on offer, and the rest can laugh at the pictures of folks attending the London Fashion show. On the other hand they might just have been passersby of course, London being what it is!  So as it is not everyday we get the chance to show off our talent, and many excellent photographers are among yous out there I must say, it would be nice if some support, in words at least could be thrown the girls way. This explains all:  My First Solo Exhibition

Sadly my pension is limited so I er, well, whisky is so expensive these days and I was not well, and what with the heating and .....

KickStarter Exhibition



  1. Thank you for calling attention to this wonderful site. I have added it to the list for future inclusion in a Sites To See.

  2. Look, I couldn't afford to get across the door of the caffs and restaurants in her little black book, let alone nip over to Paris to stay at the Hotel what with the price of whisky and everything.....

  3. I like the photos. I'll go and check out her blog now.

  4. Great site.

    If you hop on your bike and start pedalling madly in a south-easterly direction, Adullamite...I have an unopened bottle of Johnny Walker Black here that keeps winking at me!

  5. Jerry, I thought folks would like this. It suits your purpose well.

    Fly, I know, I know, I understand.....

    Jenny, I think you will like this lass and her stuff.

    Lee, Now see what you done! The Black label made me rush for my bike and I fell down the stairs!!!

  6. Oops! Sorry! You're supposed to run down the stairs and then jump on your bike; not the other way around!!

  7. Now you tell me....


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