Wednesday 28 August 2013


Here we go.Iraq 2 about to start.  This time we will see something very different.  This time we will suffer badly.  For several years the US has led the 'allies' in undermining the Syrian regime, and whistleblowers around the world have helped us to realise just how much of this activity has been going on for the past few years.  Now our war mongering prime minister, with little realisation of his deeds, and considerably less understanding of the Middle East, wants to become Tony Blair 2 and play puppy dog to the US.
He has no idea what he is doing, does Obama?  Who is leading this attempt to destabilise Syria just to weaken Iran, the US?  The military machine?  Israel?  One thing is clear the debate in the House of Commons tomorrow is already decided, party managers have seen to this, and our depleted forces will be used to do someones bidding, but who's?  For what?  No-one knows.

Chemical weapons?  Call them WMD and you know where you stand. 



  1. Something has to be done. Do you have the answer, Adullamite. Do you have a solution that will put a peaceful end to all of this mayhem? To all the hate and senseless slaughter?

    I hope you do. I hope and wish someone did. I don't care who it is ....whether it be the US, the Brits, the Aussies,the Kiwis, can be the Falkland Islanders for all I care...I'd just love to see someone come up with a peaceful resolution to all the disharmony in the Middle East, forever.

    Perhaps instead of making stupid videos, Julian Assange can do something useful for a change...perhaps he has the answers. He thinks he knows everything.

  2. People are against involvement...but you can march and protest all you like, governments can and do ignore the people.
    Do you remember seeing Colin Powell's performance at the U.N....shoving his dinky toys round to prove the existence of WMD...?

  3. Amen, Lee.

    Perhaps it is distasteful to some to have a dictator/despot "undermined" rather than have his abuse of his people supported.

    Many criticize the U.K., France, and the U.S. for trying to be "the policemen of the world" and say we should just leave the situation alone because it doesn't directly concern us. I lean toward that philosophy myself. But we all are morally diminished when we avert our eyes and do nothing in the face of the horrors going on in Syria and elsewhere.

    Recent history tells me we should turn our back on them and not start another unpopular war. But is that what we really stand for? Is that who we really are?

    I don't know. I just don't know.

  4. Lee, there is no answer because we do not know what started this. Cameron talks about action to prevent chemical weapons being used, at least by those not our friends.

    Fly, Indeed they do what they will. I feel sympathy for Colin Powell, he was against intervention and caught in the middle.

    Max, Tyrants abusing their people ought to be opposed, though nothing is said about Saudia Arabia or Quatar or Bharain, let alone China!
    But what is the cause of this war, what really is going on?

  5. What is the cause of this war in Syria? Some people were tired of getting abused by their dictator and saw many other countries around them overthrowing their governments and thought they would give it a try too. Unless you see something more sinister that I am missing. I am usually too simplistic. I sometimes miss the fact that the U.S. is always at the bottom of bad things happening in this world.

    Yes, a war with China would be just dandy right now, eh?

  6. Double sigh and a groan.

  7. Max, The reasons remain unclear. You must never trust a government.

    Jerry, You said it.

  8. The reason why I don't at this time want to see military intervention in Syria is that this is a case where a bad guy is opposed by.... who?
    It seems his opponents are pretty much as bad.
    Another country with a sunni/shiite divide, there's no silver lining in their clouds, there's blood and hatred.
    It's also not clear yet, just who released those chemical weapons, and on whose orders.
    Our governments have yet to make it clear what they know, and how they're sure it's true.
    Was it a rogue officer, or was it ordered at the highest level?
    Was it regime, opposition, or false-flag?

    We should hold back until it's sure. And then? What is a proportionate response?

    If we look at Egypt's overthrowing of Mubarak, then its elections, and then the overthrow and arrest of the elected president, then we should ask ourselves if, and in what ways, Syrians will be benefited by our intervention?

  9. Islam is such a wonderful religion; Islam a perfect example of what it preaches...peace. Islam is a religion of peace. Don't you understand that?

    It's being proven every day...just take a look at what's happen in Syria right this moment. Peace.

    And Muslims love to spread the peace throughout the world. Spread the word the Imams preach...spread the word!

    When they've finished with Syria (I know that is just a pipe dream of mine...but let me have it, anyway)...they'll find somewhere else to cause disruption, murder and mayhem. They always do. That's a thing we can guarantee and be sure of!

    It's what their religion preaches. And let's face it...Muslims are loyal, dedicated followers of their religion of peace.

    And when the Muslims take over the rest of the world...just imagine how peaceful the world will become. John Lennon would be so proud!

    I was granted permission to be sarcastic. ;)


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