Thursday 25 July 2013

Listening to the Football Tonight.


  1. You're looking younger by the day, Adullamite!

    Liverpool drew a massive crowd in Melbourne the night before last. Incredible!

  2. And how is the Royal Baby doing?
    Sorry, I know how much you care!

  3. Announcer: "There sure has been a lot of action on the ol' pitch tonight--hasn't there been, Maurice?"

    Color Man: "There sure has, Nigel. Hearts almost got the ball across midfield twice in the first half."

    Announcer: "What do you expect for the second half?"

    Color Man: 'More of the same, I would think."

    Announcer: "Oh my, the fans ought to be delighted to hear that!"

    Color Man: "I could say it again?"

    Announcer: "You just might need to do that after this message from Irn-Bru."

    Color Man: "Ugh, the stuff gives me gas something terrible."

    Announcer: "Your mic is still on again."

    Color Man: "$%#! I wonder how much the &%@#!!& leeches are gonna want to fine me this time."

    "We are sorry to inform you that this broadcast of the Hearts vs. Hibs match has been interrupted due to technical difficulties. Be assured that we are working to remedy the situation as soon as possible. Applications for the position of on-air futbol color commentator will be a accepted, starting at 9 a.m., Monday morning. Hooligans need not apply."

  4. Lee, Thank you! Aussie football I know about. Dylan MCGowan now plays regularly for the Hearts and his brother Ryan made it to the Australian team playing for us. He now plays in Shandong.

    Kay, You are about to be put over my knee young lady!

    Rebel, Please note the two games last night did not involve the Heart of Midlothian, we were playing pre season games in Belfast. Last night was a European night in which two Scottish sides played. St Johnstone beat Norway's Rosenburg, and the wee team Hibs lost 0-7 to Malmo from Sweden! As these games are played home and away Hist lost 9-0 overall!

    Now I am not one to rub it in, so I just left a wee message to some Hibs fans. I will not repeat their answer.

  5. Jerry, The Irn-Bru folks are now suing you for $50, trillion.

  6. You need an army of chars

  7. Mo, Would you care to be the general...?

  8. Lovely photo. And what a striking looking little boy.

  9. Jenny, 'Striking?' If I said it was me would you believe me.....?


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