Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Death of the Kirk

Anyone with even a slight knowledge of Christian churches who base their faith on the scriptures knows how easily such organisations can fall apart.  Two major problems constantly interfere with the intention to follow the master, one is satanic interference, the other human nature.  The real problem in all churches occurs because the members are all sinners!  All those who have experienced the Living God carry their human nature as well as his, the conflict is real and difficult.  Many things hinder, temptation, tiredness, circumstances, and the enemy.  Churches that begin well often split apart because theological understandings over minor items, such as music in church, forms of service and the like, cause one congregation to become two.  This is off little importance as long as bad feeling is not allowed to develop.  However when theological truths are involved churches must stand up and be counted.  This is never easy, causes much pain, but a choice has to be made to follow the Lord of their faith or another.

The Church of Scotland, 'The Kirk,' has seen many troubled days in the past.  Secondary items have stirred passions, financial mismanagement has not always been satisfactory and even a hotel acquired in Israel causes ructions!  These need common sense and an open mind to amend.  However when biblical truth is attacked and sin is tolerated openly and accepted by many the church is clearly dying.  For many years the Kirk has seen 'liberal' teachings find a home in the church.  Many who refuse or an unable to accept the 'Word of God' have watered down the Kirk until its relevance in nil for many in Scotland.  Instead of representing Jesus Christ to the world a watered down 'be nice to everyone' attitude prevails.  'Be nice' indeed, but that is not Christianity.  Obeying God ad his clear teaching is!  If we wish a satisfying life we cannot find it anywhere outside of Christ Jesus.  He is alive and the disciple must do things his way, not the worlds.  The world is full of 'nice people.'  We see them everyday, but nice people often care nothing for God and their hearts, like ours were, are focused not on him but on them.  We were like this, and all too often remain this way.  However I and those in the real church, one with no denominational borders, have experienced something greater than ourselves, Jesus is alive!  His way is perfect, mine, and societies ever changing fashions are not.

Yesterday after much struggling the inevitable occurred, the Kirk decided that it was acceptable for homosexuals to be a minister in the church going against Gods clear teaching.  In spite of 'academic' studies over the past few years revisionists have pushed through the 'gay' agenda and the Kirk has sat back and allowed this to happen.  What people do outside the church, whatever the denomination, is for them to decide.  If however they wish to represent Christ Jesus they must first of all belong to him, and then preach him and his word, not their own.  Clearly this is not the case here.  Sex is made for marriage between one man and one woman, not two men or two women.  The lie has sprung up in recent years that such a relationship is 'normal' and any objection is an attack on 'equality.'  Both are nonsense.  Such relationships are not 'normal,' and many know this to be the case, whether they care or not is another thing.  Outside the church this is not a problem.  What people do is their business and life is hard for many of us.  Trauma, bad family, inadequacy, natural tendencies and influence form others have all led us into strange behaviour.  Often we have enjoyed such but we know right from wrong, but follow the flow in our trial.  Many Christians have 'gay' tendencies, many have suffered because of this, all seek to follow their God even though this is hard for them.  It is hard for the rest of us 'normal' folks also, we have the same temptations and trials, and fail just as often.  However we all seek to do the right and follow the one who gave himself for us. 

Homosexual sin is no worse than any other, Jesus died for all, and his cry is for each one to find life in him, whoever they are and whatever their situation.  His love is not limited because an individual is 'gay.'  A meeting with him will however force us to know ourselves and seek to let him know us.  Changes will follow, slowly maybe, but his arms always await each one. 

The Kirk has rejected discipleship to follow the way of society around them.  Instead of changing society the Kirk has been swallowed up in the hope of being 'relevant' to this generation, not realising that the Lord of the earth is always relevant to each one.  In their desperation to be accepted by the world the Church of Scotland has moved away from God.  This leads only to death.  The enemies work has been, as always, subtle, slow and very effective.  The whisper in the ear "Has God said...?" has done its work.  Years of false teaching, liberal 'intellectual' thought, dating back to German theologians of the 19th century, has led to many losing trust in the scriptures and failing to study them and listen to those who have found them to work.  'Reason' and 'intellectual depth' does not change lives no matter how important they may be.  It is the work of  the 'Holy Spirit' alone that can enable faith, and that not always overnight.  This has been ignored and human thought lauded to everyone's loss. For those Christians who remain in the church the choice is simple, slide away with the rest of leave and form a new church trusting in Jesus to honour you for honouring him.  There is no real choice, it is either Jesus or society, the best or nothing.  All churches which have moved away from scripture have died, even if they still exist in form.  The assembly decision yesterday shows the Kirk is now dead, and no longer relevant to the Lords work.  How sad, Jesus, our judge to be, weeps.



  1. "As a man believes in his heart, so he is" = Proverbs 23 v 7.

    I am with you this is a sad day, and we should pray for grace.


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