Monday 29 April 2013

The Wait

I've been watching this crisp packet for several days now sitting lonely and forgotten on the railings.  Some thoughtless brat, most likely male, has dumped it on the railing and wandered on dreaming of adolescent girls and football fame.  I hope he gets mumps instead!  I took this pic to see just how long the bag sits there.  I did this once before as a similar bag sat there for seven days before disappearing, possibly owing to the wind.  I wait to see how long this one lasts.  The skatepark beyond is naturally a place excelling in litter.  Several new bins were put in place, notices regarding fines for littering abounded, and the gardeners cleansed the place once again.  All this much to the derision of many of us.  The council folks cleaning the park next morning commented on how nothing had changed!  It made no difference to their habits.

Incidentally friends have been hosting one of their grandsons during his break from University.  This is typical of them and typically of the young male he has never been house trained.  Their house is of course spotless, even the son now living with them keeps their house as it should be, bar his room obviously!  The grandson has never been taught little things such as how to use a bin, tidy up or make the bed.  If he has been taught, and his mother was keen on tidiness  he has quickly forgotten all he has learned.  This of course is normal for a male of his age, men see no reason to fuss unless it is required, and cleaning is not that great a requirement.  Women however have a nasty habit of dusting when there is no dust to be seen, hoovering neat, clean, floors and demanding people who know better to remove their feet from the table.  Some girls even insist on washing the dishes every day!  Surely once a week is OK?  

Not all women as so keen of course.  Friends I used to visit shared a flat, my job was to clear a space in the living room in an effort to find the chairs!  Quite how a small room could be hidden, daily, by the detritus of daily life I could never understand.  Another local hero had built bookshelves at the recess by the fireplace, these were bereft of books and were well hidden from view - behind the books once taken from the shelves and never returned!   A visit to the loo meant searching for the bowl, all was hidden under drying washing.  It may still be this way!  My residence is as always perfectly clean, neat, tidy, and at least as clean and tidy as I myself.  What's that you say....?

Jings! The bag has gone!  The wind must have returned!


  1. Do you have a woman who comes in to do your cleaning...?

  2. I really hate litter. There are no excuses...other than people never learn...and that's a weak excuse!

  3. My wife loves cleaning and i have two teenage boys, who are taking GCSE's in discarding litter and leaving dirty plates and cups lying around for someone else to clear up!

    The bag looks lonely, perhaps you should find it a friend.

  4. @Mike - hahahaaaa!

    I'm most untidy. I make much effort to keep Soubriquet from witnessing my ennui. He's only been gone 3 weeks and all ready my piles are piling; my dust bunnies are doing what bunnies do best ;P


  5. Mike, Humph!

    Lee, Just wait till school hols.

    Alan, Have you tried a slap now and again?

    RDG, Don't encourage him Red, he will do it again!

  6. My goodness, you live such an exciting life! Do you think you will be able to obtain interviews with the soda pop cans that just stood by and watched as their shelf-mate was impaled upon that spike?

  7. Jerry, Life is exciting round here....


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