Monday 22 April 2013

Nothing Happened Again.

Nothing happened again today.  I was up just after six to enable it to happen but it failed.  Instead I have suffered that energy draining bug again that has left me feeble for a fortnight.  This enables me to sleep often, eat quite a lot, but not to actually do anything.  I got bread from the shop. wandered across the park but when I return I feel like a lorry has run over me.  The sooner this wears off the better!

So I have done nothing and nothing has happened to be done again.  It leaves me wondering about all those old folks who don't get out.  Possibly unable to wander abroad, left with mind numbing telly to watch, no visitors to cheer.  Sick folks in rural areas often get a daily visit, however the carer has a long way to travel, can only spare 30 minutes at most, has far too many to visit, and is being underpaid and under-supported by councils in these days of austerity.  This is not good for the human beings involved.  I suspect it is worse in towns where the numbers are greater, the distances less but the loneliness worse!  London, with around 8 million is an incredibly lonely place.  At the church there when knocking on doors we found many who just wished to talk, plenty of neighbours next door who gave only a slight head nod to one another.  That is the London way.

Loneliness like that does not bother me as long as I have a PC with which to contact the world.  Had I been without one I would either have gone mad, stop sniggering at the back, or been forced to wander abroad and speak to people.  No wonder so many single folks fill public houses.  However this past few days this web has not been very satisfying.  The football was OK, but nothing else grabs much attention.  My dull mind is not exercised, especially as my deaf ear has not cleared.  That problem affects my sight also. If I lose my glasses I cannot hear properly, and being slightly deafened means I cannot see properly.  It's a funny old world saint.....

Now, what shall I burn for the dinner.....?



  1. I have had the same bug for about a week. Just makes yo feel tired and week, especially the legs. Also now and then i get a really high temperature. It is awful. Lets hope you feel better soon.

  2. I did not know that a fortnight could last for over 20 years...

  3. Alan, That's the one! Hope yours leaves soon too.

    Jerry, I understand that.

  4. I hope the bug moves on shortly as it is miserable feeling tired all the tired that nothing short of armageddon on the box can rouse interest.

  5. "Forced to wander abroad and speak to people", that made me chuckle.

  6. Oh, and I forgot to say, Richard and I had the same thing one year, we called it the Zombie Flu, and this was years ago before all the craze about Zombies. Why didn't we write a story about our Zombie flu??? There goes our millions...

  7. You're starting to sound like "Droopy", Adullamite. Do you remember the "Droopy" cartoons and comics?

    Poor Droopy was never happy...he'd stand there unenergetically waving a little flag with "I'm happy" printed on it...but his face belied the flag's sentiments!

    Pep up, me lad!!!

  8. Helen, This thing appears to be world wide just now.

    Kay, Funny, that is true! Zombie Flu indeed!

    Lee, I'm h-a-p-p-y........etc....

  9. That's not a bug. That's a way of life!


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