Sunday 14 April 2013

Jings it's HOT!

Jings! Crivvens and help ma boab!  It was hot today!  Yes indeed when I was trundling around on the filthy bike the sky was that colour, more or less.  Blue with white vapor trails and very high white clouds spreading out way overhead.  The sun shone brightly as I rode carefully over the broken glass left by wee boys practicing their beer drinking and I felt the sun on my face, not just warm, but hot!  My face feels this yet!  Jings, Hoots man and help ma boab, summer has arrived.

This was the scene at sevenish this morning.  The blue sky, a bit lighter than in the picture, filled with vapour trails from rich people travelling the world or returning from their Easter break.  A very busy time for air traffic control last night it seems.  Why do so many flights occur at such daft times?  Is it just to annoy people living near the airport?

Not that I took time to sit in the sun and read books as I would like, I had to carefully burn my chicken, watch the Dundee United (called Dundee by the English 5Live girl this morning, United Kingdom is it?) versus Celtic semi final, another excellent game spoiled only by Celtic scoring a winning goal in extra time.  Then I got on the bike for 20 minutes after which I was forced to watch most of the English semi-final between two teams, I forget who, they all look the same to me, while stuffing a pizza I found in the freezer down my throat.  (I cooked it first!)

So that's almost another football season finished already.  As I passed I noticed the park has removed the goalposts indicating the wee leagues season has stopped.  No doubt cricket and golf, then the drivel that is tennis will fill the airwaves instead of proper sport.  However if the sun shines like it did today with the warm air bringing heat up from the Med area, then I will jump on a bus or two and see the world, nearby.      



  1. I like mooching about on buses.
    When a friend came over from London recently the car did one of its sulks, so we just caught one bus after another to enjoy the scenery.

  2. They were calling for snow here a few days ago, and it is supposed to stay in the 70s for the next few days. Then, snow may make a comeback on Friday or Saturday. Isn't life in this world exciting?

  3. How wonderful it must have been to see the blue sky above and feel the heat upon your body and face after so long, Adullamite! It must have made you feel great and very happy.

    How thoughtless and terrible it is that those rich people dared soar through those skies of blue!

    The next time I fly, I'll have to tell myself that I'm rich. I never knew that I was! U wonder where my hidden funds are!! ;)

  4. "I wonder where my funds are" is what I meant to type.

    I've got my eyes on the TV...our Aussie golfer, Adam Scott just won the US Masters and received the long-awaited and desired Green Jacket! Wonderful, wonderful achievement! I didn't take a breath all throughout the play-off I think!

    Very thrilling!

  5. Helen, A great idea.

    Jerry, Do you live here?

    Lee, So you have hidden funds eh....?

  6. Sunshine here too on the south coast. The goalposts were probably stolen by Ian Duncan-Smith as he needs them to fund his 53 pound a week lifestyle, perhaps Cameron will lend him a few bob. How the other half live!

  7. Yeah, well hidden even I can't find where they are so hidden! ;)

  8. Alan, IDS would steal the ground, not the posts!


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