Tuesday 2 April 2013

Easter Aftermath

So Easter has come and gone.  The BBC as usual has offered a mixture of bland religious offerings, bar Melvyn Bragg's nonsensical programme supposedly based on Mary Magdalene.  Easter eggs have abounded once again, my collection somewhat less than my teeth hoped for, Tesco's et al will no doubt be offering some cheap tomorrow and storing others for next year.  Rubbish bags will be overflowing with coloured silver paper and dentists waiting rooms soon to be filled with frightened children.

Those same frightened children are also skipping school for a week or so.  This means fathers bring their children into the museum, are seen kicking a ball in the park with them, families meander through shopping centres,and groups of the little horrors are filling the streets, yelling, shouting and blocking the pavements.  While the behaviour in the skatepark is reasonable enough just now adolescents swarm like locusts in buses, shops, and anywhere normally used by decent people.  As I carried my weakened bug stained body through Tescos searching for bread I noticed gangs of wee brats everywhere.  If this is meant to be a holiday, where is the holiday from children I ask?

This man, Ian Duncan Smith, the secretary for the Department for Work and Pensions, earns £134,565.  He has been responsible for the amendments to the welfare state and the general oppression of the poor, the weak and anyone who cannot fight back.  Today he claims he could live on £53 a week "if I had to."  Some 250,000 people have demanded via an online petition that he attempts this for one week.  His reply is that he has done it already, twice having been unemployed.  He does not indicate how much dole he received  plus child allowance and other benefits, all of which indicate he is lying in his teeth.  

According to Wikipedia he is not unused to misinformation. Please refer to their tale for details of his education half truths.  His employment record does not inspire and that includes his failure as Leader of his party!  He has certainly been unemployed twice, so have I, and I struggled on both occasions.  The whole idea of publicising welfare payments is less to do with cutting the cost, certainly nothing to do with 'fairness,' but everything to do with encouraging middle England to vote for them by stigmatising the unemployed.  Call them 'scroungers' and the employed 'hard working families' (a Bill Clinton trick) and divide and rule.  Misuse of figures helps here.  This will get worse in the next few months as the Tory Party embarrass Ed Milliband on welfare.



  1. Are you sure you're not related to W.C. Fields, Adullamite...there are incredible similarities between you...particularly your disdain for those of short stature, much energy and noise...children! ;)

  2. Trouble looming in your workers' paradise, comrade?

  3. Lee, W.C. Fields, a man with the right approach!

    Max, The 'Tea Party' rules our nation Max. Trouble results.

  4. At least Scotland has the chance to banish the Tories from our land for good less than 18 months from now...

  5. Mike, Roll on Sept 14th 2014.


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