Tuesday 12 March 2013

Troll Squashed

The boxer Curtis Woodhouse lost his title fight on points to Shane Singleton the other night.  This caused some boxing fans to deride his achievements.  Social network sites are ideal for informing sporting failures of your knowledgeable opinion and one lad, who goes by the name 'Jimmyob88' made clear his derision to Mr Woodhouse on his Twitter feed.
Jimmy said the boxer should "retire immediately cant even defend a pathetic little title you are a complete disgrace," and informed him "Whats funny u put so much effort in sacrificed all that time and failed to defend your mickey mouse title."  
The problem with this is that not only can the sporting chap read your comments, he can also be a 'distressed' boxer, and a wee bit sore at losing his title.  Boxers, as you may be aware, are trained to fight.  A boxer training for a fight, even at 'light-welterweight' weight, can be a muscular and dangerous opponent for a couch potato type of social network user.  
Mr Woodhouse knew this.
Mr Woodhouse was indeed peeved.
Mr Woodhouse turned up on Jimmyob88's doorstep!

Having some 20,000, and now growing, followers on 'Twitter,' the boxer offered £1000 for Jimmy's address.  The street soon followed!  He posted a picture of the street name and informed his followers he was there, and asked for the house number, offering to knock on every door to find the right one.

Almost immediately Jimmy gave himself up!
The troll said he was "only joking about."
"I am sorry it's getting abit out of hand. i am in the wrong. i accept that."

Curtis then drove home, telling folks it was all a bit daft and saying he could have saved petrol money by blocking the man.  Still he found great support, boxer Lennox Lewis, footballer Joey Barton and Lord John Prescott himself all offered their congratulations. 

Anyone wish to argue with Curtis?

Guardian story with Twitter comments


  1. The biter bit....but not punched....

  2. I'm pleased that Curtis found the clown! He, Curtis, showed great restraint from not bopping the idiot troll.

    Trolls are all cowards; and none of them would be able to fight their way out of a paper bag. One on one they're as weak as you-know-what, if not weaker!

    And that, dear sir, is my opinion on the matter!

  3. Taking it more widely, it never ceases to amaze me how people say all sorts on the internet, in comments, on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and think nobody will notice. Sometimes they are so incredibly indiscreet. Some people need to be locked up for their own and others safety.

  4. Helen, Maybe he should have......

    Lee, Your opinion is understood. I myself would never 'troll' in any way...

    A, .Hiding behind secret names is the way to voice an opinion. Sometimes it's like mates in a pub, oftentimes it's deep, secret opinions coming out. Not that I would do anything like that as I have said....

  5. The danger of twitter, saying something without thinking. Putting down a boxer just after he has lost a fight is rather dumb.

  6. A great story. Hope that the word will get around about what happens sometimes to these and the people who are sent to jail for their cruel twitter and other network comments.

  7. Mo, I just wish he had knocked on the door!

    Jenny, They also forget they are under the libel laws also.

  8. Well, well, my dear Lee, you can talk awfully big for a little missy hiding out on the edge of the outback!!! Oops, you already know how to find me online, and that is enough of a threat to me. So, never mind. Hey, I was just kidding around, anyway!

  9. Lee, Jerry lives in Missouri! Everyone there knows his house!

  10. Only those downwind, my dear Adullamite! Of course, the wind does have a tendency to change direction quite a lot around here... Sigh.

  11. Hahahaha! Beware the thunder from Down Under!!!!!!


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